This professor is a good guy, and I like him a lot. He was kind enough to send back a draft. CanI pm one of you guys to get your opinion on the quality?
my question is, should i keep studying as if i had 35 min ... per serction? or should i maybe put my clock at ... test is around the corner, howcani take the best possible advantage ...
... , than I am. So I'm looking for advice on howIcan get more ... study time in with the LSAT. I want ... at school or work. HowcanI ensure that I am giving myself enough ... to late, what canI do to change. I am shooting for the ...
... , Sufficient Assumption and Necessary Assumption questions. I have gone over the curriculum ... ? Or am I doomed? :/ I have been scoring 16 questions on LR sections ... would be higher if I got more Assumption questions correct. Any thoughts ...
... means I am consistently going 90-100% on these questions in ... untimed practice. Where before I was going - ... and convoluted stimulus wrong. HowcanI ensure that these types don ... format.
I'm finding myself getting -1 ... majority of the ones I am getting incorrect, I understand the reasoning ... answer choices are incorrect, but I still end up going with ... the LSAT. Is it because I may not have as much ...
... problems I now see that I *truly* struggle with. I was ... ?
I currently approach problems first by ... questionsI was missing (necessary assumption, weaken, etc.) But howcanI ... hone this strategy to the few problems I missed again? I ...
... />
Any advice on howcanI further close the gap? I score low to ... During BR, 2 or 3 questions that seemed really hard during ... were actually pretty simple, and I find the answer relatively quickly ... thing during timed conditions. I get to the 25th question ...
... br />
I'm looking at tier two ... />
My question is... cani choose which score to send ... other words. So if i took the June 2017 and ... , and I scored better on september 2016, cani choose this ... September to send? Or I have ...
I have 3 former professors who agreed to write LORs for me. CanI pick just 2 to send to law schools even after all 3 submit their letters to LSAC? I got the third letter just in case as a backup and don't want to send it if I don't have to..
When I take a PT first thing ... my scores differ substantially. I end up scoring higher ... br />
Any insights on how to analyse test results in ... such a case? Also, how long does it usually ... day of the test. HowcanI be more efficient with ...
... I think I would do better with a human on some LR questions ... to really understand the reasoning and where I'm ... 170, which I'm 100% convinced Ican achieve if Ican blow LR ... a great yet affordable tutor? HowcanI maximize my time? Thanks everyone ...
... likely to respond positively. (I paraphrased it)
SO, canI infer from the above that ... made above, we can say that one is ... br />
Another NA Ican think of is A-> ... />
Please correct me because I am 80% not confident with ...
... prepping for the LSAT. I have known for many years ... that I want to work in ... for the private sector---I want to work for ...
What canI do in terms of internships and classes Ican take to ... make this into a reality? I would ...
I've been wait-listed at ... and I intend to write a LOCI. How do I phrase "Look, I've ... anywhere close to that amount I would attend your school, hands ...
... 5 star difficulty Q's? I'm like -7 for ... are all level 4/5 questions. The 7 wrong are also ... that many of them Ican't get right in ... />
HowcanI expect or get to a point where Ican get to ... get these 4/5 difficulty questions with speed and confidence?
So I just got my feb score ... the feb score. I already told schools that I will be taking ... for my score. Should I and canI call the schools to tell ... them I don’t want to ...
... actual scores, but I'm not really sure how to improve them ... example, on my last PT I got 169, but my blind ... improving on timing? If so, howcanI do this? Thanks!
I got waitlisted at ... devastating. Last night, though, I found out I was waitlisted at University ... waiting another year if I have to (I'm already in my ... letters of recommendation? CanI re-use anything? I'd love to re ...
So when the proctor says "Put your pencils down", canI pick up my watch and reset the time on it? Or do I have to wait until the next section begins before doing anything with my watch?
... the correct answer. First I read the question stem and ... sentence by sentence so that Ican understand exactly what each premise ... an inference to me. I have tried questioning each answer ... wrong. HowcanI continue to get better at these questions or what I am ...
... deal as I did my PTs, even down to questions missed per ... be inflated as I did remember some LR questions and a whole ... ; howcanI adequately prep when I have instances where I remember questions/passages/games and I ...
... . The key for me was I increased my RC score and ... . LR varies 2-3 questions each section. HowcanI translate this PT success ... to the real deal? I'd ... with anything above a 157. I was thinking just practicing my ...