I did not have technical issues, but I had a bad proctoring experience that I felt potentially impacted my score in one of my sections. Does this justify a complaint? @whatsmyname and @msaleeby howdidyou file?
... :
> > I did not have technical issues, but ... a complaint? @whatsmyname and @msaleeby howdidyou file?
& ...
> If you have reasons to believe it ... affected you unfairly, then it seems ...
... I want to thank you! I reached out to ... impression 100% was the highest you can get!!!
& ... situation similar to what you were in. I have ... a question for you though: when you reached out to ... additional time increase, howdidyou do that? Didyou have to re ...
3.55 was best two?
My best/last two years is 3.88. Do I stand a chance with that and a 150s for osgoode? Also, in which month didyou receive your offer?