Really - how do you "know"? I feel ... 's an accurate indicator of how I would actually do on ... , will I ever FEEL ready? How many practice tests should be ...
... . I honestly was shocked at how accurate it was, LSAC really ... of.
FONT: hate how in reading section (paper version ... did have a difficult time with more difficult LR questions as well ... : Love it, you all know how it is.
1: How much time am I suppose ... realize that on the more difficult problem sets I am getting ... BR I am having a difficult time breaking my thought process ...
I was going through the Ultimate+ study plan to see what I'm going to be covering over the next few weeks when I realized that there aren't any lessons on the writing sample. Are there any resources for it? How are you guys preparing?
Hi, i just finished the CC and i am currently foolproofing LGs i read so many reviews about the trainer so i bought it. I was wondering if anyone could let me know how they use it in conjunction w 7sage
... then, what you know now, how would you approach it? What ... good way to do it? How fast or slow did you ... like a class, for example how it is said that for ...
... />
Currently, until middle of August I am also taking one ... {i might save this for august or after i strenthen my ... ready to PT by August, because in August i have 4 weeks ... />
For example, If by august i am in PT mode ...
... day. I am wondering how one is supposed to make ... the Core Curriculum so fast. How do you study? Here ... like this? This is how I usually study in college ... curriculum. Would you mind sharing how you study on a daily ... notes and move on? How do you ensure you are ...