Howlong is an LSAT score good for? Basically, could I take the test in October, work for a year, then apply for the class entering in 2017 with my Oct 2015 LSAT score?
Hey guys,
Just wondering...
On average, how many days did it take for you to write PS for each school?
I know people would say take days as many as you need, but I was just wondering...
Thanks :)
I have completed foolproofing PTs 1-35. I' ... are y'alls thoughts on foolproofing LG on PTs36+? Obviously I ... PTs' LG sections after I take them? I'm up in ... do 10 PT chunks of foolproofing the LG games, by ... after completing the traditional foolproofing method?
... been seeing a lot about foolproofing and can definitely see the ... benefits. Should I completely fool proof before starting all of ... during? I'm planning to take in Dec and rn am ...
... and am about to start foolproofing LG as it is my ... of spending ~3 weeks on foolproofing LG using the LG bundle ... that you would recommend for foolproofing games? I took a look ... that includes: PrepTest, difficulty, category, how many I got wrong, and ...
... am in the process of foolproofing PT's 1-35. I ... it at all. I then take it the next day and ... time that I complete the foolproofing. Should I be doing anything ... diagnostic of 158, hoping to take in September.
I have to say I was skeptical about the foolproofing piece of the process but it really does work! Just wanted to send along some encouragement to anyone struggling with LG. Hang in there!
... I haven't been foolproofing for very long but I do notice ... that when I fool proof a ... week later. I know for foolproofing you're really supposed to ...
Does anyone recommend foolproofing games one at a time, and not moving to a new game until having mastered the game you're working on? Or, alternatively, is it better to work on a set of, say, three or four at a time?
... benchmark in terms of how much time to spend ... like the REALLY LONG analogy questions that take up half a ... is a a paragraph long and each answer choice ... is a paragraph long), where just reading the ... just skip these REALLY long RC questions, or just ...
... you guys recommend i start foolproofing games during the CC or ... ? is that where i start foolproofing? I would really appreciate it ... me.
FYI i will take the July test so maybe ...
How many games did you all foolproof and over what span of time?
Also, how many games do you foolproof a day? For me, I'm currently foolproofing **3-4 games a day.**