... I'm saying is this. You have 2 students. Both ... for the LSAT (or whatever youdobefore law school) arguably mean ... (granted, it might help you with OCI and be personally ... doesn't matter if you're K-JD or if ... you've spent 20 years in the military before law ...
... the LSAT (or whatever youdobefore law school) arguably mean ... you've spent 20 years in the military before ... the LSAT (or whatever youdobefore law school) arguably mean ... you've spent 20 years in the military before ... three to four when you start to get better ...
This is super great advice. Definitely use the things under the resources tab, and check the analytics. What kind of studying didyoudo in your 1 hours a day session?
On lsac.org you can see the right ... compared to your answers and you can see your answer sheet ... . You will be able to see ... etc. It could be that you had a bubbling error, or ... pressure or not preparing properly. Didyoudo all of your timed PTs ...
... denzeljones14 said:
> What didyoudo to strengthen your logic games ... went through the CC, did the problem sets and then ... did half of the fool ... to the test I did some of the harder games ... To me I just do exactly what JY says ...
... stellar one is how much work they make youdo. You want your ... worth your money should make youdo the work. They should ... help you understand the parameters of you subject and keep ... you focused. That certainly ...
... think your anxiety right before the test might actually ... felt anxiety during or before a test so I ... I was extremely anxious before September and it was ... to my mindset. If you have established calming strategies ... Could I ask what youdobefore your PT to calm ...
... know it's tough but you still have one more shot ... planning to rewrite in January. Didyoudo a breakdown of what your ... more questions right can bump you into the 160s.
... m not counting on a good score, but trying to ... I guess if I actually got in nowhere I could take ... glad you are already fool-proofing LG. If youdo get a 170+, you ... is very sound and you should plan on applying ... scholarship money even if youdo get in a T14.
... really help with providing you feedback if you were to give ... etc) didyoudo leading into your first test? Doyou have specific schools you are ... serious improvement. This is a good place to get advice; ... better and will help get you better advice then a ...
If you don't mind me asking, what was your undergrad GPA and major(s)? And didyoudo any sort of reading or philosophical studying prior to taking the LSAT?
@drbrown2 great to hear, thanks for the answer. didyoudo anything in particular that you found helpful when you first started completing PT's besides just blind review?
... dates you would like your LSAT studies to start at and howmany ... hours per week you would like to ... />
It takes into account how much work was already completed ...
... that are particularly challenging for you specifically (but may not be ... for other people that are good at those types of questions ... 's half of the exam. Didyoudo CC? Check the analytics tool ... predictable, and if you can find your gaps, you should really be ...
Look at the tests yougot 167/168. What sections didyoudo best at?
It could be that test was particularly easier on those sections.
Or it could be that the sections you usually do worse on are easier.
Identiy the pattern
... />
- What didyoudo differently in BR that you didn't do under time ... it under time?
- Didyou rush under the time pressure ... and misread something?
- Didyou fall for a time trap ... until the end when you know you have got all the low ...