I've taken 6 practice lsats, My scores were 155, 153, 148, 157, 149, 145
I've completed all of the logicalreasoningsectionof the 7sage course, what am I doing wrong??? Howis it possible that my scores gets worse the more I study
How come when looking online at ... section was predetermined to be logicalreasoning and now the double section differs depending on ... the test you take. I’ve never heard of ... and 1 unscored… This fifth sectionis also not listed as the ...
I am trying to put In my scores but it won't let me put in both my logicalreasoning sections. Do I only need to put in one of my logicalreasoning sections?
Howmany drill Questions should I put into the auto drill builder, if we are to drill for an hour. I am specifically referring to Main Conclusion: Drill It and it says under this I should drill for an hour.
... little ones. I have flexibility on a weekend, Mon and Fri ... section or two and go over how we both would approach a questiontype ... step ahead. We can work on games together, too. I guess ... miserable journey with and be each other biggest supporter. We can ...
... practice test 59 myself. Section 2 was DEFINITELY harder. ... further confirmation of this, you could see on Manhattan LSAT' ... how to approach Flaw, one good way to assess your skills is ... a sufficient level of familiarity with this questiontype to systematically ...
... with difficult questions but in eachquestiontype. The only solution would ... no specific questiontypeis too challenging for you. On the other ... huge amount left in the section. Try not to panic. ... />
Spend a lot of time analyzing the questions after ...
... how much of a mental game this test is. I realized that by section ... think @LSATisland is exactly right -- think about what on this test made ... on a game. In section 2, the perceived amount of science passages in logicalreasoning ...
When you complete a LR questiontype lesson on 7Sage like "Strengthening" or "Necessary ... days to drill eachquestiontype to get the most out of the learning ...
if you want to add to your lessons I suggest looking into Cambridge packets, you can get question by type packets so when you do say MBT, finish those problems/sets, you can drill as manyof them as you want b4 moving on (they're generally from PT1-38)
... correct. I never thought of it this way. By ... 100% know which one is correct I have a much ... higher chance of getting it right when ... first pass, circling any question I cannot eliminate all four ... out howmany I got right or wrong, which is ultimately ...
... advice (which was spot on) but you need to make ... test questions when there is so much real material ... clear from the description of the book linked to ... plan to drill by type, I'd recommend the ... http://www.cambridgelsat.com/bundles/logical-reasoning-by-type/
... there is truly a different way to read the stimuli based onquestiontype ... . Here me out: if your reasoning skills are ... to almost predict which kind ofquestiontypeis going to follow. For example ...
... relate to each other. Reading is an activity because it is done actively ... the way that is laid out in front of you on the page ... matter howmany times you re-read a passage or a section if ... yourself you have sufficient mastery ofeach passage, and do this again ...
... of 25 questions of the same typeis not going to be representative of your section ... you be drilling that type? Question types appear on the test in wildly ... thing - how you happened to do on 25 parallel questions on a given ...
... exams a week, it is realistically not feasible considering I ... (my last LG section). My LR is still pretty weak so ... night. After I finish eachquestiontype video on 7sage for the next ... a few ofsectiontype drills. 24-26 questions for eachquestiontype I am ...
... worst section - missed about 14 questions on it, so that is a ... problem I kind of have is more in terms of organization - I ... studies, howmany hours a day I should study and on what particular ... should buy - maybe some typeof booklet or something that has ...
... graduates first and figuring out howmanyof them became successful lawyers second ... imply that South Texas College of Law is a "diploma mill" ... the legal market (which ishow you're coming across in ... it. I answered the guys question thoroughly and honestly.
... idea howmany people are likely to be sitting in on it ... biggest piece of advice I can offer is to train your ... morning with a ten question warm up beforehand to ... leave the room until section 1 starts. So I ... because losing focus on test day is for pussies. I ...
... recall the answer to a question after the stimulus, but just ... the answer, then it is indicative of your logicalreasoning skills. There were plenty ... to solving a LR questionis to understand the reasoning, so if you ...
Depending onhowmany tests you will do a ... week, depends on you and your needs. You ... />
If you're accuracy is not there, I would revisit ... look at the patterns of your reasoning vs how the answer should have ...