... GordonBombay said: How often doyou find yourself finishing sections ... 171). I think what you need is more time ... but it could happen (you might skirt out of there ... br />
If I were you at this point, I'd ... PT'ing again once you've done a schedule. ...
@StopLawying said:
Trainer advocates using intuition
I go on intuition (prephrasing the gap for SA and linking up certainty in MbT) unless there are clear logical indicators that will help me out. So, sometimes I diagram, ...
I think it depends on howmuch time you have dedicated to studying? I'm in the same boat, taking the October LSAT. I took 4 weeks off from work just to study. I don't see why not, as long as you have the time available to you.
... information (telling them hey, you know HOWyou can make broccoli taste ... will actually make people eat much more. It fills the ... provide information to people on how to make broccoli more ... find broccoli appetizing no matter howmuch cheese you put on it? Maybe ...
... a preconceived notion of howmuch time you will need to prep ... for this test maybe you give it in June... ... but maybe it takes you till December to master the ... concepts... what you need is to feel that ... for yourself when you are in the process.
... retakers. So even if you cancel you're all but screwed out ... takers with a 175+. And you absolutely can get into H ... will help to see how well you did on game day ... then use it to gauge howmuch time you need to spend to ... get where you want to be. Say ...
... in my opinion... Sometimes you can let the ACs feed ... long as you can find the conclusion, you have a ... on your task. If you read the stimulus once ... obvious in retrospect once you've come across the ... where you're at in the section, and howmuch time you have ...
@MrSamIam How did you go forward in your situation ... you study and take the June test to apply early admission? Howmuch ... were you able to improve by then ...
... your weaknesses are and howmuch time you can dedicate to studying ... .
You'd want to work on ... more time you have the more time you can work ... a level of Mastery. You're already on take ... not taking the test until you are ready.
... the upgrade is that you get access to the ... br />
Plus you'll receive a a month ... extended access over what you currently have (for me ... depending on howmuch time you took off vs. howmuch time you'll ... worth it. But if you were taking advantages of ...
... ...how bad doyou think it was? Does "a bit hazy" mean you think you ... lost one or two more points than normal or you ... think you bombed the whole section ...
... , it's difficult to anticipate howmuch progress you will make over time ... here will tell you not to register until you are scoring within ... target range (mid 160s for you).
That said, I have ... , is it possible? Yes. Can you expect to be scoring in ...
... - so much to be learned about howmuch time you spend on ...
LG - analyze what caught you off guard, should be scoring ... your answer choices? Have you mastered a great skipping strategy ... breaker questions? Where did you lose time/confidence given the ...
@twssmith - you mention not trying new strategies on new PT's - has it been helpful to your RC to re-do old reading comp sections? how long doyou wait until you re-do them?
... the other day about howmuch time you should be studying ... per week. https://7sage.com/how ... br />
There ya go! (If you haven't already seen it ... always be around if you ever have any other ... questions as you're getting started. I ...
... every 8.75 minutes. You see you will never finish in time ... if you don't truly understand just howmuch time you have i ... passage. I can't tell youhow many times I have changed ... Structure. If you don't understand how the passage operates you won't ...