Hey everyone, I recently wrote a personalstatement and I would truly appreciate it if someone could review it for me. Please be very critical when you critique what I have wrote.
**Admin note: edited title (no all caps please!)**
... a juvenile, so the record is sealed if not expunged, the ... specifically charged with, etc. Neither is a major deal and the ... only goes back 3 years. Is there another way to find ...
... at Legal Aid. My personalstatement begins talking about our initial ... this anywhere in my personalstatement, by perhaps adding a ... footnote to my personalstatement confirming I have received ... change her name? My personalstatement begins like this: "My ...
... 7Sage! I used their unlimited personalstatement editing (the second most expensive ... the direction of a diversity statement, she helped me start from ...
I am a little bit iffy on what to write about for my personalstatement. Would that be more of a resume about why you want to go to law school, or tell a story about yourself? Currently, really confused. SOS.
I am hoping to do a dual degree at Boston College to get both a JD and an MSW. I am wondering if in my personalstatement if I should mention that I want to do the dual degree and why, or should I just make it about law school?
Hello 7sagers! I am having trouble selecting a topic for my personalstatement. Does anyone have a good personalstatement they would be willing to let me read or just any advice in general? Thanks :)
quick question, will any of yall be putting titles on your personalstatement or diversity statement? Debating if I should put a title on mine or not. Or if it even matters tbh
Could use some fresh eyes on my personalstatement draft. If anyone wants to swap for feedback let me know. I've hit some serious writing road blacks and I want it to be finished already!
I would highly appreciate it if someone was willing to read my personalstatement and give feedback. I'm kind of lost as to what exactly I should focus on.
So I had a personalstatement and after going over it with one of my professors I decided to bascially change directions and right a new one. Would anyone be able to read it and offer any feedback on grammar, flow, etc?
Would any one like to review my personalstatement? I wrote this statement a year ago and would like to keep most of it the same but I am open to suggestions. Thanks!