Hi! I am scheduled to take the June test on Monday, though I ... ), and I really would like to get a 171-173. This means ... going to give it a shot on Monday, but I am planning to take ... I purchased a course, would it be easily modified to take less ...
... the middle finger on each hand to speed up the ... road, so anything we addon top of it should ... you’ve spent a long time on that road doesn ... so many ways to teach someone howto identify a main conclusion. ... me). Instead, focus on making sure you’re learning ...
... on testprep material from Kaplan and Powerscore. Sage7 appears to have a far ... , we talked how rankings influence a student's ability to get a job after ... /how-to/content/how-to-interpret-a-correlation-coefficient-r.html
(see the last sectionon ...
... will be crushing the test on Saturday. :) However, I was wondering ... the February exam and score a few points higher, it would ... be a significant boost in my waitlist ... , is it worth it to study a little more and retake in ...
... can't find cheap access to online. It's one of ... 'd like to at least try taking the games section timed. Has ... anyone been able to find a cheap copy ...
I recently discovered this website... i was wondering if anyone could tell me howto look up an explanation for a certain game. i looked up a specific one in my book and it didn't match up....
... br />
Want to get some thoughts onhowto build up confidence and ... but think of it as a quarterback who feels under pressure ... to put in a 3/3.5 minute read to get a good grasp on ... material to establish some better consistency? RC is the only section I ...
... use to reach a perfect 180 on BR? What is a typical ... a BR? What are some of the best ways to ... haven't scored a perfect one 180 on BR, however, ... the PT number on which a respective mistake was made ... that type, and drill specifically on that question type. ...
... is inconsistent varying on my ability to either parse out heavily ... I am hoping to find a group to break down the weekly ... onhowto relate toa passage and gain wisdom from different thought processes onhowto ... share any ideas of howto build a study group!
... . I am a soon-to-be ultimate member on 7sage and will ... it comes down to where to start and howto schedule a very efficient planner ... all think? Any advice on what a realistic mindset would be entering ... about what books to read, mixed options on what is better ...
... was 75, I’m applying to retake the exam in September ... would you guys recommend as a next step, for getting that ... worth the time and money to get a private tutor. However, that ...
... if that happens to be the first sectionon the test! ... and I just have a block against them. ... a warmup. What length of warmup is appropriate before a test? And how ... long before a test ... you all do to before a test to help get ...
... feel like I've stumbled a bit on explaining the difference between ... />
I've touched onhow MBT relies on formal logic and validity ... general, you are trying toadda conclusion to the information above by drawing ...
... 3 from PT 62 as a Grp-chart game and got ... that doing that game in a non chart form helps with ... set of variables given with a certain number of spaces allotted ... .g., how do you tell for sure whether to use a chart or ...
Just trying to plot out my PT schedule for the coming weeks leading up to the December LSAT and am wondering, how many PTS a week is ideal? How many is too many?
1) Howto read a book by Charles Van Doren ... has some really good advice on reading different kinds of material ... online course by Duke University on Arguments. It really gets into ... an amazing hour long webinar on RC by Sage Jimmy: ...
... but I'm curious to understand how some of you ... strategies and techniques onhowto become a "better" reader. Becoming a "better" reader ... train myself to learn howto read without listening to my own ... have no clue howto read without listening to own voice. The ...
... does not move us to Z to Z', which needs the ... steam, you are able to formulate a principle, or a math equation, and ... think of dangerous activity be on your x axis and ... tax as on the y axis, the ... does not result in tax on those activity can be thought ...
... ,
I am looking to hire a personal tutor, and yes I ... anyone have any ideas on reliable websites to use to find tutors in ... your area? Or does everyone who gets a ...
... and figured out how he could master each section. For example, he ... , test new strategies for each section, and then integrate your learning ... a time—howto wring a towel, howto use a knife, howto cut the fish, and so on ...
Toadda "**Twist**" this week, we have ... s Reasoning for every question on PT 62 in the ... PT book - PrepTest A - Looking forward to matching our skills vs ... BR as you are able on your own; then join us ... it.” KEEP THE CORRECT ANSWER TO YOURSELF. Win the argument ...
... analytics and as a way to get a new twist on areas of the ... at the most. Any ideas onhowto "max myself out"? I'm ... do -1 to -2 on LG and RC a fair amount but ... you can struggle in 1 section with a -5 but if you ... just really want a 170 score and want to spend my ...
... you will spend on an individual section/fact pattern ona law school exam ... you will have no idea howto take a law school exam unless ... you're exposed to them, ideally early on and in a context with ... of the law internalized to do hypos early on. Be warned that ...
... anywhere else. I'm planning on attending a local Law School, and ... .5 on RC. What would those scores need to be at to achieve a ... 150 and a 155? Meaning does it need to ... on RC, or however that figures out to? I'm just trying to ...
... that I was hoping to get input on. A few weeks ago I ... did tune in for the webinar on ... this: how many addendas should you provide? I want toadda diversity statement ... personal statement essays do I adda title or just jump into ...
... improvement on LR, but I think I know howto approach ... that. RC I'm a little ... other tutor's videos onhowto approach a passage. I've found ... passage, don't move onto the questions until I ... 6 weeks to dedicate just to RC, how would you ...