... an issue with exactly howto dissect the different question types. I had ... this issue. I was able to ... LSAT Trainer to gain a different perspective on howto tackle the ... . Once comfortable move up to the next level of difficulty ...
... the test to give yourself more time to learn howto do logic ... that you're going to have to teach yourself new habits ... out this post on howtoattack logic games successfully https://7sage ... discussion/#/discussion/2737/logic-games-attack-strategy/p1
LG ...
... you're doing and howto tackle a certain question type. The questions ... haven't changed. You still need to know howto ... 't changed from 1-35 to the more recent PT. If ... with any question type you should use 1-35 to iron that ...
Hi Sami. Thank you for organizing this. Sounds amazing. However, I just started taking the course and do not really know howto deal with LR questions yet, so I was wondering if I can still join the session?
... do not really know howto deal with LR questions yet, so I ... how useful that would be. How about this, if you still want to ... it doesn't make sense to you, you can always leave ...
... the other half it seems to be Flaw and RRE. how to improve on certain question types whereas the Trainer retrains how you ... think about certain question types. I hope ...
... found PT's 70-80 to have subtle and not so ... />
> I'm wondering howto improve on LR and RC now, when ... should be able to do well no matter how old or new ... did pretty bad on the LR in the 60s but much ... seen them, just because the LR is quite different from the ...
... find that reading the question stem first works best ... read the question stem to trigger howto think about the question and decide ... most questions) - for some question types you will have a ... answer - be sure not to compare two possible answers against ...
... to drill. The problem is, if I see a question ... practice tests from which to pull questions. I ... action will be to review every LRquestion I have gotten ... a combo of LR sections and specific question drills.
... have always wanted to go to law school but ...
... a games, you have to have experience with every ... functioned as a set to hone my skills on ... started not knowing howto answer a single question and took 30 ... minutes to do a ... from there is to apply that knowledge to timed sets ...
... I started not knowing howto answer a single question and took 30 ... minutes to do a single linear ... goal from there is to apply that knowledge to timed sets starting ... you guys recommend going straight to the bundle or practice with ...
... passages and shows you howto best approach these question types in detail ... a whole lot of sense to read other sources for the ... ; especially when your issue seems to be with the questions.
... gets harder and harder to improve as your score ... you will need to start drilling LRquestion types you are ... you can cut your LR misses to -2 to 3 per section. ... to something like -0 LG, -4 to 6 LR, and -3 to ... been worth the retake to me and lower scoress ...
... some tips on drilling and howto progress through your studies. I ... foolproofing and maybe doing timed LR sections.
< ... was still unsure of howto proceed. For LR timed sections, am I ... supposed to be using old ...
... " laid out the best way to study. If you don't ... answer is right, and learning howtoattack it correctly next time. to back off the PTs to max 2 per ... the meat of the questions to work out what's tripping ...
... need some advice on howto Fool Proof LR, I know it is ... for LG but I really want to ... improve on this section. Also should I fool proof LR ... and LG at the same time? I want to forsure ...
i know you commented on something like this earlier, but would love you hear if you had any advice/thoughts -- on howto really master LR and the process to get there. thanks! :)
Probably not with that little time. If you struggle with RC, you might get a bit of help on howtoattack passages. Your last month is probably better spent on reinforcing what you've already got from 7sage.
Yeah, I have to retake, too. :( Didn't bomb exactly but did a couple points worse than my average. Ugh I need to figure out howto get my LR down some more. -_-
... where I can see the question numbers was missing when I ... keeps shifting. This happened to some other LRquestion too that I couldn ... work sometimes. When I tried to highlight a certain RC sentence ... . When I clicked the eraser to erase that, it didn't ...
... and eventually you will know howtoattack the game fairly quickly. I ... explanation. My advice is to just keep practicing and exposing ... yourself to as many problems as ... possible and it will start to come naturally.
... if you can go into how you studied a little more ... timing. I can only get to around 15 problems. Are you ... aslo thinking of flash cards to remember howtoattack questions. Thanks for this!
... months will likely be trying to escape the dreaded 165 into ... your side and teaching you howtoattack certain questions/sections is very ... !! Do you know any tutors to recommend? Finding a tutor will ...
... studying, I found the problem to be, simply, difficulty. The harder ... it. So, the question is, really, what to do about it? how to do low-res summary, that ... , if you already know howto solve the broad question types, then my ...
... by religiously taking PTs week to week. The improvements truly ... phenomenal score! So in reference to the above, does this ... because I understand howto do virtually every question, but my execution ... execution issue, but would love to hear your thoughts on this ...
... think my mindset regarding howto approach a strengthening question is what got ... me into trouble for this question. I have it engraved ... was the case with this question. Would you mind clarifying ... by attacking the support and howto identify that when looking ...