So I decided to stop studying for the LSAT on July 2019 and focus on my school. Now I am going to restart. I was not doing that good actually so I want to redo the whole CC. Any advice on howto do this and in general any tips for restarting ?
Will any college accept my July 2020 LSATscore for August 2020 admissions?! Has this ever been done before? I understand this is a long shot. Looking to apply to the same school which I went to undergrad
... give me some advice on howto improve my speed while ... 1-35) because I wanted to focus on improving my accuracy ... first. I started with a 144 for an untimed PT ... 't have extra time to check those questions that ... my speed, then my actual score would be much lower. ...
... all had similar goals (a top LSATscore), although my goal was still ... 't say it's a necessary characteristic to look for, because my ... reading the advice in the "Howto Get a 160+" thread.
... new to 7sage and plan on writing the november 2020 LSAT. I ... am looking for some guidance or precedence on howto ... 46 and that seems to be quite a bit. If that is ... , are there any suggestions on howto make my own schedule?
I was going to take my first Prep test ... as close toLSAT as possible. When you go to take a PT on ... and I was wondering how would you incorporate a 5th experimental section ...
... to requests and feedback from test takers, we have created a new score ... score preview option at our website: ... -scoring/about-score-preview
... there have any tips on howto improve speed and accuracy for ... conditions, i tend to feel rushed and my score dips into the ... started studying about two and a half months ago and have ... significant improvements in my actual score. would super duper appreciate any ...
Does anybody want to create a small LSAT Vent group? This is something ... people
- Check in about howLSAT studying is going, or anything ... goals; check in about how we did in meeting last ... basically airing out any other LSAT related thoughts with people ...
Is there a way to make the 7sage lsat reading comp section more like ... in the digital LSAT so we don’t have to search for ... true & is there a way to do it with the 7sage LSAT?
... LG down from -3 average to -1/0? I am ... the only thing holding my score back from my goals. ... times and am not sure howto proceed. Should I continue ... I tend to make 1 costly error like misreading a rule ... and losing a ton of time ...
... massive score jump. In reality, I was in a PhD ... t feel like this is a good enough "excuse." ... many months of studying + a prep course. Can you ... semester where my GPA dropped toa 3.2. I don ... to my LSAT? And what language should I use around the LSATscore ...
... for the next few tests, how should I do the preptests ... LR section and compute the score myself? I feel like only ... it came to doing the flex. Any advice for howto go about ...
To give a little context, my LSAT journey began with a ... was about a year and a half into my LSAT prep and ... , unable to make any more progress no matter how much I ... , gave me advice for howto decide between two contender answer ...
... serious need of a tutor for the January 2021 LSAT. I began ... ago I didn't understand howto do a blind review so when ... confident about them so my score was calculated incorrectly. After reviewing ... remaining until the January LSAT, my goal is a 160 by then ...
As a preface, I know quality matters ... , and someone could respond not to worry about the average, just ... focus on making a clear strong case, but I ... like to get an idea of about how many words an average LSAT ...
... I wanted to go toa top school. As a double stem ... a 10-PT average of 177 (which was my avg BR score ... LSAT is a very learnable test!) I didn’t set out to get a ... like “I got a new high score!” or “I scored ... in my goal range!” This turned out to ...
... Jan2021 LSAT and when i do preptests, my blind review score is ... better than my actual score (usually 150s actual score and 170s BR ... My last PT my actual score was 153 and my blind ... Anybody have any suggestions on howto improve my score under timed conditions?
... I am really struggling with howto negate conditional statements when they ... />
For instance, a few that appeared in recent ... Reasoning Bible says to add a "not" to negate, but I ... br /> ...
Hi everyone. After scoring a 168 (4-5 points ... PT average) on the November LSAT, I have been studying ... for a retake in February. Since ... anyone have any advice on howto keep this momentum going ... I would still like to avoid a 5 point drop if ...
... a year. Live in the PST, half luddite and willing to ... for a year.
My goal score is ... br />
My vision for a group is one that is ... playful and committed. Open to structure and mechanics of ... not quite sure about howto receive interest (should there ...
... am able to just do one section instead of a full ... it gives me an overall score as if I went through ... correct. Any tech advice on howto do this? I just finished ... is a new problem I cannot seem to find an answer to. I ... am sure it is a ...
... howto use 7Sage to study. I think I want to take August 2021 LSAT ... . I am open to June ... trying to be realistic. I work full time at a law ... the holidays and I moved toa new city. Once I ... ve had 7sage for about a month now and I ...
I did the score predictor from Khan Academy and was able to get an estimate of my starting score (in the 140s :( ). I did not do a full diagnostic exam yet. Is it absolutely vital to do a full diagnostic exam?
... . It took me 5 days to solve and complete blind review ... PTs a week. how many pt a week js realistic? I am doing lsat ... full tjme. And my goal is to take the ...