Anyone have any tips onhowto do better on MSS questions, i do understand ... passage but, I always seem to choose the wrong answer choice ... , maybe what is the point to a most strongly supported question.
... , and I really want to break into the 170s. ... get -0/-1 on drills, but on practice tests, I ... feel like I need to drastically overhaul my studying ... right now, nothing seems to be working, but I ... so any advice onhowto continue studying on my own is greatly ...
Any idea why the Questions Table section of the Analytics pages says "No LSAT PrepTests scored yet. Score some LSAT PrepTests tosee analytics on this page." right below the list of my 29 completed and scored PrepTests?
assuming slow to fast on the chron: then I would ... lines, one going to WV and one going to WZ. (T> ... ) (Sorry don't know howto do this on the comp)
... This means on the diagram so long as ... accordingly. At least that's how I would diagram.
... I'm not sure howto advise you on that. 7Sage teaches ... us to read the question ... us howto read the stimulus and guides us on what ... we need to look for. ... entirely bad or detrimental to read the stimulus first, ...
... for taking the time to share your thoughts with ... good things to say and knows howto say it on paper. I ... I wanted someone to also speak on what it is like ... team nowadays as appose to years back. Since I ... helpful, please feel free to share anything else that ...
... drill on, some problem sets, and even a few test to use ... as test won't contribute to your score as much as ... . Learning the fundamentals and howto apply them (on the old tests) and ... and BRing hard as F*^% (on the new tests) it your ...
Just come down to Fayetteville for the day... I just took it at FSU and expected a shit show but it was actually pretty good except for the ants that wanted to become answerson my scantron...
... are white), are taught howto perform better on standardize test since a ... college anyway. The skills to succeed on the LSAT begin far before ... each for people needing to put food on the table. The truth ... the critiquing. No need to jump on the OP's comments about ...
... Sounds like I also get tosee it on screen? Sorry for being ... I didn't mean it to come across that I' ... need to talk. I was just trying to decide the location to ... thing where we'll need to speak and ask questions, ... very helpful and you seem to have a big heart ...
... wouldn't recommend that to anyone who works full time ... I've focused more on the quality of the studying ... lessons I was still shaky on in the 7Sage curriculum. ... when I force myself to stay engaged with the ... really does help :) Hope tosee you on a BR call one ...
... deny students the opportunity to develop critical thinking and ... because they are judged to be unlikely to do well, then ... approach that teaches not "howto score high on the LSAT," but ... rather the underlying skills which are required to ...
@twssmith @"Alex Divine"
Thanks...I really don't know howto save time on RC :(
I usually go over like 10 minutes...I usually try to understand what passages say on 1st round, but should I skim? (just understand structure?)
... really don't know howto save time on RC :(
I usually ... ...I usually try to understand what passages say on 1st round, but ... passage the first time around, how long does that take you?