Has anyone applied to law school while still completing their undergrad? I ... plan on applying to law ... 2020; a few months prior to the start year. Is it ... possible to get a conditional acceptance or ...
... mentally taxing. It was difficult tostayfocused throughout the entire exam and ... I found it super hard to focus. Are there some tips ... you can share with me to help me improve my speed ...
... />
I have been struggling on howto close this almost 15 point ... not sure if I need to take more practice tests, or ... a little more in order to master these questions. Any thoughts/advice?
... to redo logic games. However, even though I flag the questions ... t seem to able to change.
How do you ... />
Also, does anyone know howto edit a set once it ... adding or removing more questions directly? As of right ... , I've had to remake the entire set ...
... anyone has any advice on howto divvy up the study time ... designated to each section. I tried dedicating ... a set amount of time to studying one section. For example ...
... important distinguishing features of newer logicalreasoningquestions become the norm? I'm ... tests #20-45 or so to more recent tests. Recently, ... So I'm wondering what to expect. Roughly when did the ... and late tests occur, and how accurate is my sense (partially ...
... nature of the questions allows you to be fairly confident when ... your own process as tohowto make sure all those ... in how they tackle the questions. Just like the overall approach to ... very, the approach to tackling individual questions can also vary. ...
... frustrated with this. Being able to do well on BR and ... not timed. I manage to miss a whole game timed ... LOT in comparison to timed. Any advice on howto close this gap ...
... the hard questions or even sub questions. I average -0 to -3, but ... when I miss questions, they ... someone offer good advice on howto stop making careless errors in ...
ANY tips on howto summarize a stimulus in a ... />
I find that for logicalreasoningquestions after about question 15 and ... />
It becomes hard for me to pinpoint what I just read ... conclusion and premise is, but how would i quickly summarize what ...
So I decided to stop studying for the LSAT on July 2019 and focus on my school. Now I am going to restart. I was not doing that good actually so I want to redo the whole CC. Any advice on howto do this and in general any tips for restarting ?
... my diagnostic. While promising, I noticed that 18/24 questions that I ... intuitively get to the right answer for the easier questions, but I ... ones. Is there a way to effectively overcome this hump? Thanks ...
... it comes to Logic Games. That is how I ended ... on howto use all the resources of 7sage. My questions ... Is it feasible to still try to take the August lsat ... 3 months away, intending to increase my score ten ... thinking August but wanted to hear everyone's thoughts. ...
I'm currently registered for the July LSAT-Flex. Can someone tell me if I'm supposed to wait for an email from LSAC that will direct me on howto register for a ProctorU account, or am I supposed to go ahead and make one myself? Thanks much in advance!
I am hoping to compile a list of all the questions I have pinned (using the purple bin after finishing a problem set) in the past 5 months of studying. Any idea of how I can access this information?
... and need an advice on howto continue studying before the test ... me somewhere 5-6 days to complete one PT, I translate ... I won't be able to go through enough PTs if ... one section at a time? How should I schedule LR, RC ...
I am new to 7sage and plan on writing ... some guidance or precedence on howto effectively use the study schedule ... are 46 and that seems to be quite a bit. If ... , are there any suggestions on howto make my own schedule?
... anyone know howto set the problem set timer to 35 minutes? I ... don't want to see my time going from ... 0:00 to 35:00 so the unlimited ... , I want to have the timing set to 35 minutes to 0 rather ...
... helped me approach questions better, but I continue to have significant issues ... method and flaw questions. Any suggestions on how I can improve in ... performance.
Suggestions on howto improve in these areas – especially ...
I feel like my accuracy is pretty good on LR, but does anyone have any advice on howto get through the section in a more timely manner? Strategies? Shortcuts?
Any ideas on howto take the test in a ... 7Sage doesn't allow you to only take the 3 sections ... in August and really want to practice with the closest version ...
... currently at a loss about howto explain what the LSAT is ... to someone who has never heard ... about it. I am trying to take less shifts at work ... I just don't know howto explain hahaha.
... that specific test and continue to go through tests from 1 ... give me some guidance on howto get my misses down on ... . On BR I am able to figure the games out and ... go -0 to -1, so I think I ...
Does anyone have any advice on howto improve on LR and RC? I have improved a little bit, went from -12 to -6 or 7 but I'm not sure what the best way to keep improving is.
... up morale. Any advice on howto keep motivation high going into ... test days). Any tips on howto get out of this funk ... are very appreciated! How do you all take care ...