... close to test dates. If money is a serious concern you ... waiver.
If that F is recent, I would talk ... the dean to see if they can replace it ... can boost your uGPA. If you have four classes left ... M B" mentioned, once you graduate your uGPA is set in ...
... />
> No the LSAT contrapositive isif not b then not a B is /B ==>/A. In your first ... quoted, you wrote "If A then B; But if not b then that does ... not necessarily mean not A", which is ...
... copy this from somewhere else? If it's the latter, ... 2.IfB and C sit in adjacent cars and D is in ... />
> 3. If D is in the front car, which ... A. A is in car 6
> B. Bis in car 3 ...
> C. C is in car ...
The key is to remember that none of ... sufficient condition in the stimulus. B does nothing after denying the ... must be considered a premise if E is to be correct, but ... 't know the dictionary definition? If that is the case, doesn't ...
... Reading "unless" as "if not" makes so much ... B as ~A~ ---> B wrong to use in this situation? Because "if ... not" is basically ~B~ --> A ... (but this is the same ... thing as ~A~ ---> B because ...
... ignore the questions where passage Bis mentioned at all. Just tends ... me.
Even if passage Bis mentioned, you can still answer ... A. ie if the question says “how is passage B’s tone similar ... of a book, and passage Bis a mixed review, so you ...
... />
> Even if passage Bis mentioned, you can still answer ... A. ie if the question says “how is passage B’s tone similar ... of a book, and passage Bis a mixed review, so you ... question that says what is mentioned in B but not A...you ...