@tofuspeedstar You may be correct but I look forward to being in that boat ifonly because it would mean that my personal statement and resume would be finished.
... desperately needed any improvement, even ifonly a little. Such an improvement ... in only a few days is enough ... was at the point that if I read any slower than ...
... needed. My only remaining question is regarding C. If it were discussing ... something else is causing both ifonly one is specifically mentioned? Would ... a good reason to eliminate if both aren't specifically mentioned ...
... .. I'm going to see if she can reach out to ... him and see if he will give me a ... ; >
> > Now, ifonly I could stop looking at ... , I feel like the conveniency if you can afford it is ...
ahh thank you Sami your second explanation helped too I finally get it, I appreciate it!!! now ifonly I could understand the other one visually with respect to floaters!