... , guys,
I am having a problem with the time to ... answer the questions. I started a month ago and it takes ... min to answer a question. I heard that it is ok for ... to get some advice, is it a correct and most effective way ...
I hit "save and score" without filling in any answers because I don't understand how the preptest page works. Is my analytic page now just screwed up forever because of that 0% score?
... br />
**Question 5:** Is it a better deal to purchase Ultimate ... br />
Answer 5:
It depends. The content and access time ... br />
Ultimate+ now is $749 with $25/month extension ... months, probably getting a Ultimate+ now is the better deal. ...
... with me. Otherwise, TL;DR is at the bottom.)
... I ended up settling on a degree in Secondary Education, ... time wondering whether this is what I was meant ... even "medium" law (is that a thing?). I'm not sure ... who hate their jobs is daunting, and I don ...
... (Aug ‘19) (disclaimer, this is not a totally fair point of comparison ... Logic Games is mistranslating a rule (or occasionally even missing a rule entirely ... primarily deployed as a timing strategy).
This may be a silly question but when I star a specific question from a prep test or star a page from a lesson, do they all go to one place on my account? how do I go back and find everything I've starred?
... br />
However, the conclusion is qualified with the word “generally ... are NOT changed. This is precisely the negation of ... If all of the above is correct, then the sufficient ... anecessary assumption as well?
... blind review, leaving me without anecessary "weak" question type. My initial ... to be that I have a decent baseline understanding of the ... down the harder ones. Is there a way to effectively overcome this ...
... reason I mention 170 plus is because of the following ... can't say it's anecessary characteristic to look for, because ... showing up. Being on time is another important thing, although both ... enormous effort including taking a PT a day, which is not an easy ...
... to be that retaking is always a good idea if you ... 75ths everywhere).
Is there any data on this ... that's been in a similar position have thoughts ... -3 points better on a second take since I ... improve RC, especially on a regular test with RC weighted ...
... again? In general is it a good idea and is it reasonable? On ... a personal note, I recently ... one and have recently taken a few weeks off to ... me think I could get a better score if I ... have already raised my score a whole bunch and I ...
... know if we can use a laptop like the Microsoft ... ? Also, when using a laptop, is there a way to choose which ... the proctors need to have a certain field of view ... front facing one and use a third party / usb attached ... can lay our laptops in a way some of us ...
... the word “any”, which is treated like “all”, and ... therefore negated as “some is not”, and the added ... into “does”? If this is the case, I would like ... to know if this isa hard-and-fast rule ... in the answer choice of anecessary assumption question. I usually ...
... that the answer here is not Ais because passage A does not have ... .S1.Q3, the correct answer isA, even though one of the ... examples" used in the passage isa hypothetical on line 15-- "does ...
Anyway! My question is, since this is the ... , do you feel it's anecessary support to your study prep ... every single prep material that is considered the "holy grail" of ... do you all think? Is it necessary to have those bibles?
I know this isa great score, but my average ... on the June test which is usually a perfect section for me ... only thing holding me back is the idea that some of ... be irritated if you retake a score that's already ... ve also heard that getting a higher score could get ...
... at any point if there isa flaw in how I went ... me intuitively because the CAC is saying that /cause correlated with ... , implies /A ← correlated → /B?**
And if the answer is yes ... or no, is there a cleaner theoretical reason ...
I'm curious if folks have thoughts on how many overconfidence errors is too many on a PT? Is 0 a realistic goal? Should I be ok with having a small amount on any given test? At what point should I be worried about making too many overconfidence errors?
... were given in the stimulus is only a "partial one." I was ... spends on the surface is less on a hard surface
C ... for greater running speed than a soft surface
... I struggled with finding a reason to eliminate C ... better than Gossip Review is TV Today. I thought ... that this answer choice is focused on the people ... stimulus is placing a focus on the universities as a whole, ... I think it's alogical assumption to say that ...
I'm trying to retake a whole PT that I've done before, but I don't want to lose data of my previous attempt so that I can check if I got the same questions wrong again. Can I retake a full PT without having to delete any data of previous attempts?
... , because there is usually already a phrase that encompasses the logical meaning of ... , the even is essentially doing nothing for us from alogical standpoint. The ... find a use of the word "even" that is relevant in logical reasoning ...