... I struggled with finding a reason to eliminate C ... better than Gossip Review is TV Today. I thought ... that this answer choice is focused on the people ... stimulus is placing a focus on the universities as a whole, ... I think it's alogical assumption to say that ...
I'm trying to retake a whole PT that I've done before, but I don't want to lose data of my previous attempt so that I can check if I got the same questions wrong again. Can I retake a full PT without having to delete any data of previous attempts?
... , because there is usually already a phrase that encompasses the logical meaning of ... , the even is essentially doing nothing for us from alogical standpoint. The ... find a use of the word "even" that is relevant in logical reasoning ...
Hello! Is retaking a past exam still an ok indicator of progress? I retook an exam which I took Dec. 2019 (and haven't looked at since). I'm wondering how I should interpret a exam results of a test I'm taking for the second time. Thanks!
... are professors that I had a great relationship with as well ... of them is from a Western Civ course that had a huge class ... happy to write a letter... The other is from a practical reasoning / ... t seem thrilled to write a letter and communication extremely lacking ...
... same time, I earned a degree from a top-ranked university in ... professors and worked as a reporter for aa non-profit while enrolled ... move cross-country. My mom is physically limited and they both ... admissions committee. Right now there is just a year+ gap in my ...
I know w/ LG problem sets we can create a fresh copy but how do we do that w/ preptests? I like to do one section at a time and then check my answers and then move on to another section...
... fluctuating a lot and that is kind of freaking me out a bit ... others, but all this fluctuation is making me really unsure how ... actual October test, which is just a couple of days away. is really getting on my nerves.
... page requesting that I submit a survey regarding my technical ... soon as the time is called for the Logical Reasoning section, I ... to not experience a technical difficulty. Where is the justice for ... this situation. Until then, have a great day.
When a passage says "usually," is this a version of "most"? For example, "John usually goes to the store." Is this essentially saying that "Most of the time, John goes to the store"? I'm confused about how one approaches this as a conditional.
... university reserved it as a temporary quarantine housing for ... />
My decision is to cancel the score (I ... In my situation, is this a reasonable reason for cancellation? ... officers would not flag a single cancellation, they ... with neighbors if necessary.
I got a 164 on the November LSAT ... . I know a 164 is considered a great score for a lot of people ... am really sorry if this isa super annoying post), but it ... is much lower than what I ...
is there a lesson on taking the contrapositive for combined conditional statements where "and" is in the sufficient condition/"or" is in the necessary condition. Trying to work on my conditional chains. Thanks!
Hi! I'm new here. Is there a way to take PTs on 7sage that are flex? The course that I was using before would do the full length LSAT PTs but would take out an LR section and the experimental to resemble the flex test. Is that a possibility on 7sage?
... . That means there is **at least a 100000 year waiting period ... that X isa nuclear site in a quiet region near a minor fault ... other sites, so this is where the necessary assumptions come.
< ... />
The negation test means there isa nuclear site Y in this ...
Sometimes I hit 170/173/174, other times I hit 164-167. Would like to stabilize this and improve my scores so that they're consistently 170+ (preferably 172 or 173+). Looking for a study buddy who is in a similar situation!
Logical reasoning; relationship between the premise/conclusion is paramount. Attack ... . Read everything critically? Reading a novel? Why is the author saying this ... complicated than that, but this isa pretty simple start to that ...
... feedback on my resume from a former supervisor. The comments ... updated/revised resume? Or is there a chance that could reflect ... experience and replace it with a professional experience (an investment ... banking internship at a prestigious firm) that I ...
... to diagram this sentence (which is from another resource), "I ... I thought "only" introduces anecessary condition, however, when I ...
Another example that is similar to this is "Sarah only dates ... only introduces necessary, when the actual diagram is D-> ...
... . The idea is starting a group via clubhouse which is an audio social ... of course iPhone only). Clubhouse is merely an app yet I ... from cellphone
2. There isa platform for speaking then hand ... .
4. We can form a big or small group and ...
I know the analytics uses prep tests. Is there a way we can add individual sections to it? Say I drill the logical reasoning from pt 5 can I add that to the analytics?