@nicole.hopkins Haha no I definitely do! Right now, I'm only doing one preptest per week, so I'm doing 54 this weekend, but I'll catch you guys in the 60s!
Not to mention you guys stay up way toolate for me :)
Thanks for your input. I'm very heavily leaning towards registering tomorrow. My only worry is that I'm toolate in my studying to register for the course, but I think using all of September to PT after completing the course in August will be fine.
@TJordan7 I think it's really great that you started this BR group and I'd love to be a part of this too! Hope it's not toolate though... can you please count me in?
No, December is not late... January-March is late... Just make sure everything else you need is good to go so it can all drop as soon as your score hits.
Wish I could. I really could use that much time... but I just can't wait another year. And from all I've heard February is toolate to be competitive in admissions for this cycle. So I will skip it unless I'm waitlisted somewhere and I think it might help.
When is it toolate to reschedule to December? I was just looking and more schools than I thought consider average test scores. :/ I'm really not going to be "Ready" in October. I figured there wasn't much harm in trying, though...
@harrismegan i was planning on December but it looks like February now. I'm just tryna go to Fordham and my GPA is 3.77 w URM so I don't think it'll be toolate. How long you think I should take off?