Does anybody know how the rolling admission process works with multiple LSATs?
Say you send in an application with your June LSAT score and then you retake again in September. Will they take a second look?
It has begun! Please see this thread for what we have so far:
Can anyone confirm the things we have in the unconfirmed list?
@Sheri123 thats true too plus I took mine a full 4 days late too and I'm sure other accommodated testers too and I still have the same scorerelease date as y'all.
I made a 169 on the June2016 LSAT and had the starter the whole time until about 2 weeks before I took the test. My diagnostic was a 151/152 (i don't exactly remember)
@StopLawying said:
I think the test is now available on Amazon.
Correct. Here's the link: