I'm Alexandra ! I'm aiming for the JuneLSAT, but I'd love to have as many people has possible for a group study. I live in Queens and I work in Brooklyn. email me @ alexandra.k.griffiths@gmail.com
I live in the Arlington/Clarendon area and am serious about the JuneLSAT. Prepping to get into a good program. Hit me up! alejoroarios@hotmail.com. I plan to be a slave from now until June.
... in 2012, I took the JuneLSAT and did OK. After taking ... prep for the December 2014 LSAT, I improved 6 points on ... already very familiar with the LSAT, that's a pretty big ...
Thank you JY and the 7Sage Community for my +3 improvement from the JuneLSAT. JY, your encouragement made a world of a difference and bumped my score into a competitive range.
Quick question for of those of you who planned to take the Dec LSAT: did you take it and if so, how did you do? I'm preparing for the JuneLSAT and am trying to learn as much as I can so I can (hopefully) take it just once...
Skype is great for me! I live in NYC and I am planning to take the JuneLSAT. Count me in! my email address is the same as the one on this discussion tab.
I am also interested in doing a Skype/Facetime type study plan. Currently signed up for the JuneLSAT but considering pushing it off until October or December. Contact me via email if you're still looking for a study buddy! shayna.l.matheny@gmail.com
... your time prepping for the LSAT. Trust me, once you open ... 4 months left until the JuneLSAT all of that stress/burnout ... couple of weeks before the LSAT can be terrifying. Such as ...
i think i have read on some website that Junelsat takers have higher scores because their not so tired like the 8am people. I would send you that link but I don't know where I read that, probably unreliable anyway haha