Thanks for the suggestions. I am appearing for the JuneLSAT but will probably cancel the score. I think I can have a shot at160-165 if I retake the test in September.
I am also in the same situation as Mattie212. I have still not over my JuneLSAT score. I have taken a prep course before and studied on my own. Perhaps, a group study might work and also focus on your weak areas as well.
... questions behind I panicked. After these early mistakes I did ... to fail the LSAT. After that I made mistake after mistake on the ... whole section.
After calming myself down and giving ... while you are preparing for LSAT instead of during your ...
I suppose it ... are easier to obtain, more JuneLSAT students might qualify for them ... options to pick up high LSAT scoring students late in the ... of their L1 class. Later LSAT testing students, I would think ...
I'm Alexandra ! I'm aiming for the JuneLSAT, but I'd love to have as many people has possible for a group study. I live in Queens and I work in Brooklyn. email me @
I live in the Arlington/Clarendon area and am serious about the JuneLSAT. Prepping to get into a good program. Hit me up! I plan to be a slave from now until June.
Thank you JY and the 7Sage Community for my +3 improvement from the JuneLSAT. JY, your encouragement made a world of a difference and bumped my score into a competitive range.
Quick question for of those of you who planned to take the Dec LSAT: did you take it and if so, how did you do? I'm preparing for the JuneLSAT and am trying to learn as much as I can so I can (hopefully) take it just once...
Skype is great for me! I live in NYC and I am planning to take the JuneLSAT. Count me in! my email address is the same as the one on this discussion tab.
I am also interested in doing a Skype/Facetime type study plan. Currently signed up for the JuneLSAT but considering pushing it off until October or December. Contact me via email if you're still looking for a study buddy!