... understand the foundation of the individual game types, then move onto ... the timed TYPES. So ... an understanding of how the specific game types work, once ... yourself to shift from different typesof games. An important thing ...
... connections. Maybe there are particular typesof questions you are consistently getting ... the process for solving these typesof questions. Are there key points ...
... is a great example of where logic games can ...
There are a couple of baby inferences to make up ... there is a TON of plug and chug in this ... , because in the back of your mind, you're ... but I do think different typesof logic games test different abilities ...
... am in my last semester of school and will be graduating ... A's). As a couple of you all mentioned, I will ... />
I also know all of the concepts and methods of attacking each question ...
... year-old (it's sort of like how they "explain" passages ... (if you spent a lot of time explaining, but got everything ... where you spent a lot of time going into detail that ... , you'll start noticing the "types" of questions you are getting wrong ...
... for structure" on these typesof passages specifically gives you this ... more clarity, be mindful of views presented (for/against), ... br />
J-Y tutorial videos of paraphrasing are lengthy and entertaining ... up and revealing the crappiest of structures to you.
... completely is incomplete because other typesof tillage are not addressed - ... clear that no-till methods of aeration are preferable. Again, ... carefully. Tillage is one of at least two options ( ... that are at the disposal of farmers interested in aerating their ...
Are they the same question types you are consistently getting wrong? Are you Blind Reviewing each passage? If not, then definitely do those. Also, what typesof passages are you struggling on, if any? Try to find some literature on those subjects.
... mark. Evaluate which question types tripped you up, are ... up? Were there more of these typesof questions on this particular ... exam? If there were more of ... reflection of that. Just work on improving those question types to ...
Blind Review really helps me with Skipping - BR has helped me develop an intuitive sense of the typesof questions that I'm unsure of, are difficult or take a lot of time.
... , perhaps there are certain typesof Q that you should skip ... as time-suckers of your focus. I consistently ... I have other Q types to look forward to ... writing down what you expect of the correct 1AC) for ... at least 2 sections of LR, 1 preptest's ...
@barcanou You should strongly consider drilling the typesof problems that are giving you trouble untimed. You need to get accurate before you get faster.
... at the most base level of 'patterning')... i.e. ... />
At more nuanced levels of patterning, you begin to see ... level, you recall patterns of particular typesof reasoning between tests.... ... i.e. this question reminds me of ...
... your hands on as many of these as you can. of the LR and LG Bibles ... Cambridge packets, which organize different typesof LR questions/LG by type ...
well ya got me there, I know nothing of Canadian schools lol sorry :/ It is possible they dont put too much weight on the lower score(s) and say that to look better but i got no clue
... you tend to approach different typesof questions. This will be helpful ... practice without the extra anxiety of the ticking time looming in ... the back of your mind. [i like to ...
... true and it is more of a most strongly supported (depending ... trying to approach all sorts of questions in the same way ... the approaches for the different typesof questions and drilling until you ... and then drill some of that type of question until you really ...
... stimulus for all the questions of a passage are the same ... need to just take note of the different tones and attitudes ... since I was kinda thinking of LR but there are differences ... huge portion of it is taking notice of all these typesof things as ...