... . Take the former: Certain things mustbe true in order for my ... statement to be true, even if I don ... note, remember assumptions might also be explicitly stated. In that case ...
... (in shortened form if need be), and try to read the ... SA answer) then C (conclusion) mustbe true.
Example. Birds have ... and the conclusions, so you mustbe able to correctly identify which ... have declined this year. People mustbe buying fewer SUV's this ...
For ... need to, so it mustbe that he is incapable to ...
c. doesn't have to be true. There are ways (above ... He doesn't have to be injured. Maybe he only ... it. It needs to be "nobody was injured AND ...
... get to AC A, you must automatically assume AC B. be other people that actually have ... it so that the conclusion MUSTbe true. If it's the ... have these powers, then it mustbe the case that if we ...
... things are. Better to be safe than have a ... Permitted in the Testing Room (mustbe stored under the chair and ... may be accessed ONLY during the ... break only. All items must fit in the bag such ... that the bag can be sealed."
... something absolutely will happen 100% (MustBe True).
... statement is a "mustbe true" or a "mustbe false statement". ... answer choice will be something that MUSTBE FALSE because it ... answer choices will all beMUSTBE TRUE because the point ...
... completely encloses the smaller, "mustbe true" bucket, plus the ... completely encloses the smaller, "mustbe false" bucket, plus the ... mustbe true" statement can be a correct answer for both a "mustbe ... true" and "could be true" question, ...
... I told you that it mustbe true that I'm going ... CAN provide a MustBe True answer. "Can it be true that Sam ... mean it MUSTbe true. For mustbe true statement, you should be able to ... - in other words, it absolutely mustbe true.
@runiggyrun Thank you for your explanation! I actually drew it out on a piece of paper. One question I have is why doesn't the "mustbe true" bucket and "mustbe false" bucket encompass the "could be true" bucket and "could be false" bucket?
... basically you can use a "mustbe true answer" for a "could ... be true" answer, but I can' ... use a "could be true" answer for a "mustbe true" answer? Yes ...
... future selves. Temporal myopia may be largely due to their high ... , which has allowed me to be more productive toward the things ... say. The emotional regulation component mustbe addressed as well." “If you ...
Knowing ... is knowing how it can be true or false.
< ... so, then how could it be false? If either one is ... , so both P and Q mustbe false to render 'P or ... logical reasoning. You can't be good or fast at logic ...
... R is in, so what mustbe true. Placing R in will ... G and Y. Thus, you must have Not G and Not ... trigger anything because there might be other ways B can trigger ...
This is a mustbe true/inference EXCEPT question, so ... while one answer choice either mustbe false or it isn't ... doesn't have to be true. It could be true or it ... could be false; we don't ... 't push back. It could be the case that all of ...
... through your LSAC.org account must meet the following requirements, or ... will be denied entry to the test center.
- The photo must ... six months.
- The photo mustbe clear, so that there can ... your face and shoulders should be included in the photo ( ...