Sorry, I don't know where to find the videos for this. Or is there a specific space on this site with videos of students completing RC passages? I'm looking for some examples of low resolution summarizing or notetaking.
... 0L and will be starting law school in fall of 2021 ... been looking into the 7sage law school explained courses and was ... feet wet before diving into law school so I at least ...
Hi there,
I was looking at the series Law School Explained that 7sage is offering now. Has anyone used it? Does anyone have any info about what is yet to come with it, in terms of how much they want to cover?
... the need to apply to law school out my head has ... now is what will the law schools think of my resume ... universal and I have no Law experience. do you think this ... my chance at getting into law school. So far I have ...
... . I plan on drilling RC passages every day until I get ... questions per passage. How many passages should I drill in a ... ? Should I aim for 4 passages since there's only 4 ...
I know that the July 2020 flex (and maybe the August flex too?) doesn’t count towards your total number of takes but does LSAC send those scores to law schools if you didn’t cancel them?
Does anyone do reading comprehension passages in a specific order? If so, how do you order them? I've had success ordering the games I do in LG. I didn't know if you could do the same thing in the RC section.
... am currently preparing for my law school applications this fall/winter ... that they should adjust the law-school-LORs so that there ... />
However, I found out that law schools generally prefer academic over ...
... have been accepted to a Law School with a lot of ... or even at all? Do Law School's report students GPA ... second semester senior grades? If Law School's report with the ...
... to the idea of big law which pushes me towards R ... not dead set on big law but I definitely know that ... HAVE to go to that law school? No, but a dream ...
Hello! Curious to know what people are reading to prep for the range of passages on the RC? Specifically science, law, history type passages.
I know the New Yorker, Economist, are suggested — anything else? (E.g. Longform articles)