... need toidentifythe AC that gets you closest to your conclusion: The public's fear (of ... decision to limit the nuclear power plant's liability in case of a ... unwise decision? Because the financial security ofthe operators of these nuclear power plants ...
... premises (to support the main conclusion) and as conclusions in and of themselves ( ... were trying to evaluate the validity of an argument? Is is acceptable to attack or ... challenge a sub-conclusion ...
... />
Conclusion: bus fares should be raised enough to cover the cost ofthe service ... using the logic of "if true", adding totheargument it does makes theargument weaker by ...
... to remember. It's really important to understand what attacking different parts oftheargument ... look like. What it means to attack a premise vs. a conclusion ...
... theargument/denies theconclusion. In certain circumstances, it’s appropriate for the answer to reject theconclusion ... amount to increase, the amount of TV viewing needs to go up. Theargument requires that to ...
... />
- Identifytheconclusion and the premises
- When re-reading a complex argument, use the indicator ... theconclusion? Why do the premises support or not support theconclusion?
- If need to ...
... : You need to go over the basics in the curriculum of finding conclusions. What ... wordy and you probably tend to misidentify theconclusion. Parallel questions come from ... just by learning how toidentify conclusions/ doing the basics.
... than having to do the mental gymnastics of trying to understand everything theargument is throwing ... is that when the premise is added totheargument, it forces theconclusionto follow. Typically ...
... know what it means to weaken an argument, so you’re not ... misunderstanding what you’re being asked to ... is toidentifythe real cause of your errors. This is often 90% ofthe work ...
... theconclusion; a conclusion is just a claim you are trying to prove via the ... are trying to convey in an argument. So yeah, try not to get ... />
2. The function of "not always" serves to deny the truth of a universal ...