... very enthused email saying he would gladly write a letter for me ... happy to write me a letter..."I usually require a months ... ". She asked for a "statement of purpose" and for a writing ... won't write a good letter...and not sure if it ...
... approach to allocating letter grades to ranges of numeric grades is ... have *both* numeric and letter grades. In calculating GPA, ... with both numeric and letter grades, will LSAC give ... own numerical analysis for determining letter grades?
How individualized/tailored should the reference letters be? I already feel bad enough that my references took the time and effort out of their busy schedules to write one general reference letter for me...
... LSAC website and my email has been blowing up ... but woah the amount of emails I have received ... curious if anyone knows of any schools with these ... Is there a recommendation on the amount of law schools to ... schools and see what kind of scholarships I receive? I ...
... of my professors (my fault). At this point I need a letter ... after that I am kind of lost. I don't want ... me to write me a letter. Any advice on navigating this ...
... this to get some of you guys' recommendation about the best ... way to make use of my ... , I have a lot of time to study for the ... d like to have some of you guys' opinion on ... if you have a lot of time available?
... have been using the email address of stephgmeister[at]gmail.com since ... one of the options that wasn't taken. Also, this email works ... header of my resume. Does anyone advice against using this email address ...
... email stating that I was wait listed...in the top school of ... I'm in a pool of applicants that are very similar ... />
This is what the email states:
"we keep ... at the earliest possible time of any offers that we are ...
... imagine there are A LOT of accepted students out there in ... where to attend, with one of the biggest priorities being who ... a scholarship? By email? By letter attached to an email? By snail mail ...
I visited a school today where my app is still pending. Met a director of adminssions. Would it be a bad idea to email her a thank you? Met her through the “info lecture” and asked some questions with her directly after.
... />
Some of you might have already noticed, but our email notification system ... thread to receive notifications via email
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... . I was just reading the email they sent us on May ... uploaded the photo around August of last year I think, so ... since they sent us the email like two weeks before the ...
... sending out requests for letters of rec on August 1st. I ... furnish their letters? Also, one of the professors I only had ... this upcoming semester and sort of knew her prior through a ... to ask her for a letter?
... for a third letter. Since I have been out of school for ... that I did a lot of policy writing and advocacy work ... but don’t get a recommendation from work? Any help will ...
So one of my previous professors that has ... so she can tailor the letter for each school's ... then end up without her letter at all for that ... tell her about it ahead of time or something. And ... to do one letter that works for all of the schools or ...
... was approved for the accommodation of testing in a private/low ... . I've called a couple of times, and just keep getting ... response "You will receive an email when we have confirmed your ... heard back with my confirmation letter?
... part of a student teaching placement, wrote a scathing letter to ... call from the Dean of my college to meet. ... meeting with the Regents of the top law school ... in Texas (and a warning of course!).
Was wondering if anyone had any experience as to how law schools typically notify you of a decision. I know there's some variation, but I've seen conflicting accounts among snail mail, email, calls etc. Any insight would be dope. Thanks
I received a call yesterday in the early morning from Washington University in St. Louis. The caller congratulated me on my acceptance to the law school. However, I never received an email or other form of acceptance confirmation. Should I be concerned?
... consistently for one type of attractive wrong answer choice ...
C- The recommendation would be satisfied by the creation of a nation ... formed of disconnected regions (sounds ...