I have the Cambridge games packet. What would be the best way for me to use them for a month of logic games only. Should I just go through them one by one or should I mix them. Let me know what you think.
... go faster on my valid logic arguments, but I don't ... 'm actually comfortable with valid logic formulas. I was wondering if ... could give me drills for logic problems. Thanks!
Hi guys, I am having a lot of difficulty with tough conditional logic questions. When it comes to translating these from english to lawgic I just mess everything up. What can I do??
... practice test I scored 157. Logic games are my weakest sections ... 20+ right. On my last logic game test I got only ... the average person to master logic games. I see myself doing ... , I planned on doing 30 logic games a day fool proofing ...
In @Pacifico's attacking the logic games strategy post he mentions that 7Sage has formatted the older logic games into the current 2 pages per game layout so they can be printed off and worked just like the current tests. Is this still available?
... the "Grouping Games with a Chart" lessons, and for each ... did NOT use a chart but instead used a ... dictates use of a chart. In none of the ... these, JY abandoned his chart and started over with a ... required change to his original chart.
So on the side menu of the app there are logic game videos that e plain the questions and gives the answers. But where do you get the questions from? I see they are from a prep test but what prep test?
... doing SA questions that are logic based, I do well seeing ... , when SA questions are not logic based, I have a very ... SA questions that were not logic based?