... score of -1, 0 in logicgames is not coming. I consistently ... more. I have done every logic game in tests 5-82 ... watched JY videos of all logicgames from 1-82. I try ... is scoring less on unseen games. if I do a game ...
Where is the databank? Also when doing a study schedule why does it just go down the line and not introduce us to reading comprehension and logicgames earlier in the process?
I am a bit worried because I have studying rediculously hard for logicgames and I hear that they might be on the cutting room floor? Any chance that it might be come november? Its my best section.
I just had dinner with the Admissions director of my local law school (social friend) and she said the logicgames are going to be shortly dropped from the LSAT? What is this? I stop lurking for 2 months and now they have plans to change the darn test??
... running through lots of printed logicgames. However, I'm not sure ... to go about reviewing the games since I'll be unable ... answers (and explanations) to the games while on the flight.
... set of difficult and unusual logicgames? I took the November test ... and I bombed the final logic game (diplomats sent to France ... , I know that acing the logic game section will put me ... :) What are other notoriously hard games? Thank you
Understanding we all have different time constraints, etc. - How long did it take you to perfect LogicGames (-1, - 0)? Any additional tips going through LogicGames?
If anyone who has taken/will be taking the LSAT has any specific tips that they would be willing to share specifically on the Analytical Reasoning (logicgames) section that would much appreciated.
... any of you blind review logicgames? Fool proofing has dramatically ... and my competence on logicgames and I am continuing ... if blind reviewing my logicgames after I first take ... necessary.. it seems that logicgames is just fundamentally different in ...
... doing really terribly on the logicgames section (like, really bad). games with the fullproofing system? And ... with all the "core curriculum" games?
Hey guys!
I'm really set on getting a 170+, but LogicGames have been really kicking my butt. I find myself not even being able to set up the diagrams correctly, which makes me lose time and accuracy on questions. Does anyone have any advice?