I was interested in knowing what people think about the LSAT Trainer as a supplementary resource for logical reasoning questions. Would it be worth the investment?
Is there a pdf sheet with answers to games from 1-35 (foolproofing) Instead of looking at each explanation, is there a way I can look at a sheet to see if I got the correct answer?
What's up guys! After finishing the CC, how did you approach studying for the logical reasoning section? What worked? What didn't work? Thanks in advance.
... just not fully grasping the logical reasoning concept. For some reason ... areas. I know that Logical Reasoning is a huge component ... a catalyst to success with Logical Games. What are some ... used to help strengthen your logical reasoning understanding? My goal is ...
... good suggestion for help with logical reasoning? I improved drastically on ... , I'm still struggling with logical reasoning. I haven't bought ... notes for something specific to Logical Reasoning? I asked 7sage help ...
... does anyone have an Excel sheet where they keep track of ... ? Pacifico had an LG Excel sheet but I'm looking for ... an LR sheet. I know I've seen ...
... found I almost always dominate logical reasoning sections:
Averagely I ... />
I am thinking about skipping logical reasoning sections in Preptests due ...