... of coming up with a low/high res summary. You can ... or paraphrase it as your low res and add in the ... you to keep your summary low-res and not get confused ... population." You can make it low-res by focusing on keywords ...
... writing an addendum for a low LSAT score, I feel my ... have a history of scoring low on standardized tests but performing ... . My SATs went from as low as 1690 to as high ... guys think about writing a low LSAT score addendum on these ...
... term studiers/full time jobers/low gpa-ers/need scholarship- ... />
1. how you combat low morale/tunnel vision? Do you ... suffer through another year of low morale/sacrificing life to ... (ie. withdraw from classes/retake low grade classes using freshman forgiveness ...
I've been studying full-time for the past month and a half and began studying casually using the powerscore books and LSAT Trainer in early June. I'm relatively new to 7Sage but have been relying on the LG videos a ton and found them to be so helpful.