
Word Docs Hits
marine 107 134
biologists 28 42
have 76.2K 134.9K
long 10.5K 12.4K
thought 8.7K 10K
that 103.2K 265.4K
variation 233 266
in 104.7K 242.2K
the 163.9K 766.1K
shell 64 70
color 685 1.2K
of 106.3K 278.3K
aquatic 9 9
snails 3 3
evolved 79 91
as 54.5K 97.2K
a 135.8K 434.7K
protective 18 23
camouflage 20 21
against 2.2K 2.4K
birds 227 363

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