The schools I toured said don't work during your first year oflaw school unless you absolutely need to. Working during 2nd and 3rd year seemed like a personal preference, but 20 hours or less during the school year.
... why I'm going to law school and what I believe ... past. 1. deepening the rule oflaw/democracy domestically (from my military ... (the practice and implication of the rule oflaw and helping my government ... issues) via going to US law school.
Well fast forward a couple of months, I started studying again ... that I visited a lot oflaw school's I'm ... and excited for law school and the prospects of being a ... bought shirts/hoodies from the law schools and I now ... wear the one of the school I'm ...
... gave up on the idea ofLaw School. They just made that ... in after responding a couple of times. I mean, I guess ... for someone who went out of their way to make an ...
... gave up on the idea ofLaw School. They just made that ... in after responding a couple of times. I mean, I guess ... for someone who went out of their way to make an ...
of law that requires the name of that ... legal department. One of the Assistant General Counsel ... in a nice private law firm, who went ... job just because of the name of your school, ...
... up meetings with both of my referees and caught ... I was applying to law school) and asked if ... for LORs (what kind oflaw was I interested in, ... them maybe the highlights of things you'd ideally ... prep for a couple of obvious questions (why law, etc.) :) Hope ...
... to transform a "journey of personal development" into a ... my perspective on health law. However, all of the personal statements ... for Ontario law schools are highly ... helped prepare for the study oflaw, etc. As such, I ...
I just got an email from Barry University School ofLaw with the subject line, "LSAT score next week, apply today". I just read the "LSAT score..." part and got goosebumps.
... place to ask about Canadian law school is http://lawstudents. ... a suggestion, consider University of Alberta, UoA has purely stat ... is available on the Faculty ofLaw's website. Here is ... link: ...
... about the financial repercussions oflaw school then take the ... br />
A 40-50th law school is still a tier ... 1 law school. 100+ is tier ... have went to tier 3 law schools. Just because you ... does mean the trajectory of your career may be ...
... essential to address the Why Law School aspect in my PS ... into some level of specificity as to what type oflaw I'm ... know for certain what type oflaw I'd like to pursue ... 'm struggling with how much of this should wind up in ...
... didn't include which area oflaw I am most interested in ... admit it's Criminal Law) as I know of friends who attended ... are so many options, most of which you (in all likelihood ...
... believe if every potential law school applicant was mandated ... work/intern in a law firm before committing yourself ... expect when I graduate from law school
... 'd find an area oflaw where I can sell ... engineering background in IP law. I think you can ...
... , and delaying law school will only extend my years of schooling into ... you to a poorly ranked law school with terrible employment stats ... you get a job out oflaw school. Something that doesn't ... -JDs to secure jobs after law school. Legal employers always prefer ...
... successful graduating from any Canadian law school and tuition doesn't ... based on the school (U of T is the anamoly)! Plus ... it depends on the type oflaw you're interested in and ...
... successful graduating from any Canadian law school and tuition doesn't ... based on the school (U of T is the anamoly)! Plus ... it depends on the type oflaw you're interested in and ...
... successful graduating from any Canadian law school and tuition doesn't ... based on the school (U of T is the anamoly)! Plus ... it depends on the type oflaw you're interested in and ...
... a roommate that always spoke oflaw school. The whole crew knew ... because she knew it was of interest to me and she ... , my roommate no longer has law school as a desired career ... got into her school because of connections, I won't knock ...
... statement regarding my prospective field oflaw? I am a relatively more ... interest to a specific field oflaw. The issue is this: ... more transactional, lucrative areas of the law---this might come off as ... to one, very specific field oflaw, or is it better to ...
... Also, it feels completely out of place in the Texas environment ... get away with being top of the class. I don ... 't exactly have top of the class history, and ... I wanted a job out oflaw school (when I say ... ).
... , it feels completely out of place in the Texas environment ... 't exactly have top of the class history, and ... I wanted a job out oflaw school (when I say ...
Anyway, best of luck to you and yours ... - I hear that some of them are contingent upon achieving ...