... do generally think that doing more will help so long as ... which PT?
I know more is better, but I'm ... suggest you focus on the morerecent PTS. I'd say try ... to have more "trick" answer choices, and the pattern of recent LG ...
... earn extra money and gain more experiences while taking the maximum ... ) Perhaps, I should talk about morerecent experience about being a military ...
... 70's series tests. The morerecent tests are not inherently any ... more difficult, it's all the ... progressively, but only very marginally, more valuable the higher you go ... for now and save those more advanced strategies for your retake ...
... earn extra money and gain more experiences while taking the maximum ... ) Perhaps, I should talk about morerecent experience about being a military ...
I'd say that the morerecent LG sections are by and large easier. If you want to challenge yourself take the Super Prep Tests and then you will have your answer
Probably a little of both. I'm assuming you did the earlier ones first, and are just now doing the morerecent ones. If that's the case, your ability to see and utilize inferences has probably improved.
... split game boards. It seems more important lately to use split ... may have reversed in the morerecent LSATs, but it's still ... . I wanted games to be more limited than they were because ... strategies to deal with the more open ended games. Best thing ...
@"Nina_Lucas" said:
I've done 36, 37 and 38 so far (timed)
You're way behind from the recommended minimum PT takes as Alex said. I'm one of those people who took the LSAT after very minimal PT exposure and the damage that has done to ...
... from taking PTs, they are more useful to think of as ... which are the morerecent and likely to be more similar to the ... . But don't do 10 more...
... only he said it with more eloquence haha :) but the best ... . If you need or want more test explanations J.Y. style ... correct my mistakes on a morerecent test). If you have good ...
... />
Friends who have taken the morerecent tests --which I am saving ... that the assumptions are getting more subtle, that the stims are ... longer and more convoluted, and that harder questions ... think it will ever be more hard; just different. If ...
... take room away from something morerecent. It depends how full your ... they won't spend any more time reading it, either. That ... means you have more control over what they read ... ("scan" is probably more accurate) when you keep it ...
I did all the LGs from PT 1-20. And I wrote every other PT from 1-20, and BRed them. I found it helpful, but I'd prioritize the games. Doing the morerecent full PTs is almost surely a better option.
... older and newer/morerecent PT's? Which are more difficult? Are ... />
On the morerecent tests there seems to be ... that the questions themselves are more like LR questions.
... using less formal logic and more complex grammar forms and/ ...
... professional work experience is much more impressive than my academic record ... resume to focus on my morerecent professional endeavors, or do admissions ... really expect to see a more academic-focused resume?
... wanted to add that the morerecent RCs are considered to be ... more difficult compared to the early ... did to make it "look" more difficult. This is just my ...