So, I'm currently completing the sufficient assumption section of the CC, and I have a question about diagramming. When I'm currently doing the practice problems and problem sets, I find that I am most successful (95% and
So for necessaryassumptions, the assumptions can be about the context, premise and conclusion? If the negation a statement attacks, say, the context of an argument, would this statement be a necessary assumption? Am I understanding this right??
... is a good standing member. Necessary condition is satisfied, therefore we ... can also view it as sufficient condition, necessary condition confusion flaw. Because ...
Since a necessary assumption is something that must be true in order for the argument to succeed, does that mean that a necessary assumption question is the same as a MBT question? We the people need answers
... explanations sometimes. Humor is not sufficient or necessary for quality teaching, but ... allow you to practice a sufficient amount with the concepts that ...
... with 2 pieces to the sufficient condition - e.g. (A& ... "B" piece in the above sufficient condition is redundant, but how ... aren't? Typically, when a sufficient condition has two pieces, we ... in order to infer the necessary condition. In this question, we ...
... type is not a strict "Necessary Assumption" question, but the answer ... phrased as "Takes for granted"/assumptions, so can we treat them ... to how we treat a necessary assumption answer choice -- and negate ...
... . So, from my understanding, the sufficient condition outlined in the stimulus ... failed (but not necessarily the necessary condition). So, when I glanced ...