To negate a conditional statement you have two ... options:
A) "Some [of the sufficient] is ... taking the logical opposite or negatinga conditional statement exactly like ... the logical opposite of a conditional statement by also ...
This is actually a simple A-->B argument template at ... would disappear if there was auniversal loss of belief in it ... if we assumed there was a conditional relationship between them. Thus ... would disappear if there was auniversal loss of belief in it ...
... at night” clause, I guess A would be right.
... classify panthers as nocturnal, (A) would still not be ... claim, or, equivalently, auniversal claim. Negative existentials/universals can ... .
... knocked down and then do a cool karate flip to get ... the day of. That’s a really common misconception. The test ... and motivation is, by design, auniversal part of studying for the ...
... you mean an argument involving a wide-scope conditional sentence, ... you mean an argument involving auniversal claim, usually of the form ... sentence would be treated as a single proposition.
... where the consequent of a conditional is absurd and ...
... speed comes from. Logic is auniversal language, so you are ... Take advantage of this as a potential equalizer. All day ... , anyone can work through a sufficient assumption question. The ... curriculum; second, PTing with a thorough and meticulous Blind Review ...
... " might look like auniversal, but is in fact a generic. The sentence ... birth at all! There's a lot of debate about how ... intended to be read as a generic.
... LSAT teaches us, "anybody" is auniversal term. Meaning 100% of the ... hard work and familiarization, a smart 8th grader can indeed ... abilities they can acquire within a certain time constraint.
< ... be taken either after completing a Bachelor's degree or ...
@"A. Mathews" Thanks for your explanation ... sounds like we are just negatinga sufficient condition (not decentralization) to ... 't this a flaw that treats a sufficient condition as a necessary condition ...
Hey @"Giant Panda" , I'd love to help but I'm not entirely sure what your question is. I'm also not entirely sure what auniversal statement is. Are you referring to an all statement? Something like "All Jedi use the force"
... causality, it's less of auniversal rule like @jknauf said and ... ** and **_effect, I saw a picture of an eagle_**). a picture of an eagle_**). a conditional (if/then sufficiency/necessity ...
... here as well. Not on auniversal basis, but there are ... happened. This is inherently a sufficiency necessity flaw dressed up ... you put yourself in a great position to get this ... . PT63-S3-Q16 is a great example of this, ... and a pretty hard one to ...
... it very well. That was a very helpful and explicit explanation ... negate the relationship?? Is there a possibility to have /T? In ... I don't understand why negatinga relationship automatically keeps the S ...
... THINK of logic as auniversal topic. That is most ... they can apply outside a class setting. The ... universal!
Notice I used the term deductive reasoning. This implies auniversal ... topic and universal concepts at play.
... .'s comment, we were having a discussion on how ambiguous English ... they are either not given auniversal rule or they were given ... is to make life go a bit easier regardless the subject ... is not as valuable as universal techniques.
... .'s comment, we were having a discussion on how ambiguous English ... they are either not given auniversal rule or they were given ... is to make life go a bit easier regardless the subject ... is not as valuable as universal techniques.
Are ...