When @quinnxzhang shows the negation using conditional diagrams, I believe ... is simply showing that the negation of a conditional statement results ... one without the other. The negation of the dog statement using ...
... important to understand that the negation of "If P then Q ... seem tired and lazy. The negation of this is: Some dog ... Morgan's to the embedded negation, we get "for some dog ... 's in fact the correct negation of your example sentence.
... understand why my method of negation is incorrect. I guess ... />
When @quinnxzhang shows the negation using conditional diagrams, I believe ... simply showing that the negation of a conditional statement ... without the other. The negation of the dog statement ...
The negation of 'J → F' is not ... be the conditional's negation. That is, the negation of P is ... off just memorizing that the negation of "all" is "some not ...
Ah I see. So contrapositive is not a negation just the same logically equivalent statement. Thanks I will just memorize that All's negation as "Some Not". Thanks again
oh and also once you are down to your two answers, or even if you have eliminated all of them, I make it a habit to use the negation technique to make sure that I have the correct answer. This has helped me sometimes realize I have the wrong answer.
... rapidly than large animals". The negation of this negates the possibility ... the (gen) operator, but the negation of the modal operator "can ... give birth).
The negation of "humans CAN give live ... give live birth". This negation is saying that it's ...
Wait, I thought negation and contrapositive do not mean ... contrapositive involves conditional statement and negation is just...negating something. negation? Thanks!
... an answer choice, and that negation completely destroys the argument, that ... above. So, when applying the negation method, answer choice B leaves ...