... me although I'm not entirely sure why. ... schools. Were people not applying as much because ... realized it's not that big of a deal. Let ... guessing job prospects definitely played a role.
> < ... schools regardless of whether or not they accept GRE.**
... religion, maybe it means a bibilical demon. That was ... maybe because I'm nota strong, determined person...but ... will know it's abig day and adjust itself ... to reach a proper degree of excitement ... insomnia, exercise helps, a 30-minute cardio workout ...
... reasons. First, I am placing abig priority on scholarships. Second, I ... off by the idea of Big Law and so there's ... a much greater chance I won' ... without much conviction. I am not even sure I will apply ...
... started seeing improvement (not keeping track of time, not skipping, forgetting ... about the strategies, etc.). Everything felt like abig blur ... and for LG and LR I did not get ... enough time to do a lot of ...
This is a great idea! I'd also ... there isn't really THAT big of a difference between 50s and ... June test showed, that's nota guarantee it will happen in ... me and there actually is a larger difference, but taking just ...
... first of all congratulations. Thats abig accomplishment. My goal is to ... you. I started out with a 143 diagnostic and I'm ... in BR do you not leave a question until you know the ... if so how many sections a day? Basically give me any ...
... during practice and review was abig one for me. I ... Facebook account which really helped. Not only for stamina, but ... yourself to stick with a hard question in blind ... the test and not do as deep a BR as I ... seems like a waste of time, and why not just listen ...
... doing at the end of a full test. Like going to ... . Or, if you're really not feeling it, think in terms ... afterwards that it's not that big of a deal to just do ... . Also sometimes you may just not be ready to take it ...
... doing at the end of a full test. Like going to ... . Or, if you're really not feeling it, think in terms ... afterwards that it's not that big of a deal to just do ... simple as ordering dinner from a place I like or having ... plans to hang out with a friend.
... to a 165 from the 170ish is not that big even ... though it might seem like it. A ... you were tired, and not fully present that alone could ... you are reading and not focusing on anything, that ... light exercise we are not properly equipped to handle ...
... br />
Pretend you are a kid at school. There is ... on you a lot recently, he's abig intimidating guy, ... longer looks so big. He throws a hay maker at ... (Because I said so is NOTa valid reason mkay...)
... The September test is a hop-skip and jump ...
... for you. 5 questions is abig difference. If there is ... an LSAT score which does not reflect your ability or ... . If one way is not working try the other. ... it appears, and if not switch strategies and reject bad ... then you are fine. If not, figure out why and ...
@LSATcantwin Your analogy makes a lot of sense. I ... year-old was arguing that a natural distaster always follows ... 's flawed. It's a correlation/causation flaw. So ... am learning, it's just not showing in my score. < ... . So, time is playing abig role in the issues I ...
... Getting into a top law school is a truly incredible ... a matter of a few months. 12 to 18 months is not ... schools. It's that big of an undertaking. I ... September. Possible is nota useful metric. The probability ... LSAT effort/progress is a very scary looking ...
... found that everything goes a little better for me ... if I go about a section with a plan to be solid ... questions and be alright with not getting to the rest, ... or two of a section can be abig determiner for me ... fruit" that may or may not be located in question # ...
... a matter of a few months. 12 to 18 months is not ... schools. It's that big of an undertaking. I ... in September. Possible is nota useful metric. The probability ... be enough. I think abig reason I'm struggling now ... like a lot of my core understanding is not where ...
... said:
> I think abig reason I'm struggling now ... feel like a lot of my core understanding is not where it ... to _a_ law school after a few months, but by taking ...
... my second language as well. A few tricks I use are ... visually abbreviate words that are not necessary to the understanding of ... will provide the meaning. Also, abig problem I've overcome is ... sometimes necessary, but as a drill not rereading is very helpful. ...
... visually abbreviate words that are not necessary to the understanding of ... will provide the meaning. Also, abig problem I've overcome is ... sometimes necessary, but as a drill not rereading is very helpful. ... want to add that using a pencil or finger to follow ...
... visually abbreviate words that are not necessary to the understanding of ... will provide the meaning. Also, abig problem I've overcome is ... sometimes necessary, but as a drill not rereading is very helpful. ... realize that if I did not have to reread, I could ...
... first ~10ish questions I'm a bit more lax on my ... intuition is developed (WHICH IS ABIG IF, DON'T DO THIS ... every answer choice, you may not catch yourself.
... ultimate goal score. There is abig misconception that because almost all ... do, and it can make abig difference. I've been to ... there records will be at a disadvantage. I've read this ... .
... the idea of taking a 2 PTs a day, or even ... examining why you're not scoring perfectly on every ... , you could postpone until a later date, or you ... schedule accordingly. I'm not in the position to postpone ... surprised to see such abig difference between these two ...
... on examining why you're not scoring perfectly on every section ... my schedule accordingly. I'm not in the position to postpone ... was surprised to see such abig difference between these two scores ... higher. If you're not happy with a score in the range ...
... on examining why you're not scoring perfectly on every section ... my schedule accordingly. I'm not in the position to postpone ... was surprised to see such abig difference between these two scores ... higher. If you're not happy with a score in the range ...
... on examining why you're not scoring perfectly on every section ... my schedule accordingly. I'm not in the position to postpone ... was surprised to see such abig difference between these two scores ... higher. If you're not happy with a score in the range ...
... would be a strong essay for Stanford may not be a strong essay ... for a large state school ... unique situation may not be a strong essay for a different student, even ... , and places like 7Sage are abig reason why :)
I would postpone, but not give up. I definitely recommend ... through the CC. It's a pain, but it's really ... completely twice and it's abig help. Now I'm just ... , but taking a break can be abig help. I took a lot of ...
... really "want" to be a lawyer. I would probably ... a career in finance, but for many reasons that's not ... practical for me. I think becoming a lawyer is a ... about practicality, opportunity, and a chance to make some ... 't end up securing abig law position, I'll ...