@danielznelson Thank you so much for tonight!!
@lenelson2 & @BenjaminSF so great to meet you and really appreciate your knowledge of the test and questions - one of the best OfficeHours ever:)
This was awesome! Thanks so much for the call and advice. @danielznelson please do more officehours.
@twssmith @BenjaminSF -yal rock! I expect great things:)
YESS this is only one of the most anticipated and requested webinar topics of all time. @Sami it wasn't so long ago that we were holding sages hostage during officehours for RC advice ---dreams do come true!
... , so is there like an officehours? or online skype tutor? Sorry ... we do have officehours. Sage David will be having officehours this upcoming ...
... classes with, never went to officehours, never really talked to him ... one class with, went to officehours, participated in class discussions, got ...