I plan on taking the June 2014 LSAT should I not receive my ideal score on the Feb. 2014 one.
I have inadequate knowledge as to whether or not having taken the LSAT twice adversely affects my shot at getting into a good law school. Any thoughts?
Well since the same people hopefully created the Feb 2014 LSAT, I was wondering how you guys felt about the Dec 2013 LSAT? I found it to be reasonably well. Nothing too crazy. Any one else?
I'm writing the December LSAT. Before I took 7sage, I would usually be between 145-150. I took 7sage, went through all the material, and took my first practice test this morning. I received a mark of 154. Which I'm not happy with.
My ...
Hi All,
I am registered to take the December exam but really believe in order to do my best, I should move the date to the February exam. My goal is not to attend a top school and the majority of the schools to which I am applying application ...
When you are taking the LSAT, is it in a binded, book-like format (you know, with the spine still attached)? Or is it just stapled on the upper left corner like any other standardized test?
Also, is each section independently separated from ...