163 is close to what you were testing at. I say keep it, and pay for a retake. Don't cancel what you have, tho. Tests are very often 3 or 4 points off from what we test at home, especially if you are still seeing a wide variance in your PT's.
... honestly think you just need some time to get used to ... concentration specifically, I recommend meditation orsome other activity that helps you ... a 20-45 minute walk or a 2-3 mile run ...
Wow !!!! Would you mind sharing some study tips, orsome habits that you stuck to that you felt were so important for your test performance? Congratsssssss
... have lower-than-median LSAT or/and GPA figures, what would ... that person - their special experiences, orsome traits you found by reading ... personal statement? Hope to get some examples, if possible. Thanks a ...
... sure there is some consensus on which get harder or different Question ... distribution of scores, so on some tests you might find that ... and RC is very hard (orsome variation). I have found studying ...
... an op-ed or at least something with some analysis beyond just ...
- Read the newspaper article (orsome LSAT passage-lengthed part of ... question. Maybe even make up some wrong answers.
... . Then, a child gets sick orsome long hours at work make ... wave after wave of some progress and some recession. But eventually, I ... MY LOGICS!!
... a PT, take an hour or two off, then BR. Then ... an answer choice is right or wrong (usually VERY tedious, but ... incorrect are usually weakening questions orsome variation of it. The only ... I am trying to find some of those 'weirder' games to ...
I would think you shouldn't assume at all...we don't know for sure if ALL cats are happy, if we knew that then we could say most and some as well. I would review the some and most relationship lesson in the CC again for clarification!
... say most and some as well. I would review the some and most relationship ... noted - that the quantifiers "some" and "most" can be included in "all ...
... , whatever. Do a few problems orsome easy LG games. Sleep in ... avoid reading any Proctor U or test day horror stories. I ... every session. Just do one or so though, do not stress ...
... drown out the noise eventually or get used to it but ... people talking in the background orsome other random noises, but I ... could not have ever predicted or simulated a noise like a ...
... on the CC orsome other prep material set or course. A tutor ... 's simply advising that he or she try self-studying before ... if you need a tutor or not.
... self studying, getting a tutor or taking a course is the ... not sure what CC means or IMO, do you mind explaining ... look at the core curriculum orsome other materials to see if ... be happy to elaborate on some of the points I made ...