... having to prepare for the test for months, only to have ... I find a brand new oldtest that I have not done ... ? Should I re-do a test I already took in the ...
So... I have taken a PT and not completed BR for it... I was planning on doing it when I had more time, though now when I am trying to do the blind review, I cannot access it. Is there a way to do this that I am just not seeing?
... am registered for the January test. I made a mistake in ... have saved for timed practice test runs). The only option I ... for drilling is using the oldtest sections. I am constantly scoring ...
In the last 2 weeks I've taken 5 PT. 149 was two weeks ago. I took one yesterday and got a 169. I'm taking the LSAT tomorrow and absolutely freaking out now. My higher scores are the modern tests vs the oldtest. Maybe this is why? Any last minute help?
Is there a diagnostic test you can take if you plan to take the LSAT in August 2024 or onward from there? Or should I take an oldtest that still has the LG section?
Going to be on a 3 hour flight tomorrow, thought it might be a good time to take down an oldtest and review it. Is there any way to go through with this?
I've found that doing a couple of LR questions prior to doing a PT or doing a BR of an oldtest before a PT is extremely helpful. I just about won't take a PT without some sort of warm up.
... sets, and even a few test to use the sections as ... likely, taking all the oldtest as test won't contribute to your ... to apply them (on the old tests) and then PTing and ...
... feeling so attached to the test. The stress had been weighing ... reply. When you take an oldtest how do you approach it ... work through the games of old tests (1-36) as well ...
... :
When you take an oldtest how do you approach it ... />
When I take an oldtest, it’s important to force ... strategies without wasting a fresh test getting comfortable with them. So ... so many levels within each test. In the beginning there are ...
... section, then clear the test. You lose all of ... answers from the original test. Copy the summary data ... enter in the new test on the original answer ... you "check scores" you oldtest will show up as the ... calendar to reflect your new test date.
Pros: Get ...
Push back your test to February ? In my honest ... important to practice taking the test itself so you can handle ... section pulled from some oldtest to simulate the test to the best ...