I'd 100% buy one with JY quotes on it.
Gracelover said some of my favourites,
"What?...How did they....? This is such a terrible argument!
You see the gap here? I hope you see the gap, because it's so obvious...."
Edit: Came back, re-read Andy's line about WB being 84...laughed again. Can't get WB in a batman suit out of my mind. I imagine him throwing really heavy wads of $100 bills at evil doers.
... that this assumes the hiding $100 bills are released. If they ... , you just get your tagged $100 bills back. Based on this ... to undercount the number of $100 bills hiding in the wild ...
... that they estimate 1 million $100 bills to be out there ... 'm guessing that if no $100 bills are hiding, in theory ... mean that around 80% of 100$ bills out there are hiding ...
Absolutely, but you need to put in time. You also need to be humble -- it's far too easy to grow overconfident and think your reasoning is rock solid, only to find out you were 100% wrong.