Interested! From All over, but live in Toronto now! Quick side question, how long have most have you all been studying, given you expect to take the October 3, 2020 LSAT? Thanks!
> @edowado94 said:
> There's a tool for Ontario law schools to predict admission. It excludes Lakehead and Windsor.
I've used this a bit and found it really helpful! Thank you!
I’d say you have a greater chance at Western, Queens and Ottawa with your current stats. Osgoode perhaps if you rewrite and UofT is probably highly unlikely, sometimes a 175 isn’t even enough to compensate for a 3.5 gpa so I’ve heard
Hi Michele. I am interested, I actually live just outside Toronto so EST works great for me. I am looking at writing June or August if needed as well. Maybe we can pick each others brains for different thought processes for certain questions!