Could anyone be kind enough to explain why is the correct answer choice "B". I fail to grasp this question! Here's is how I understand it-
I was down to A and C, and the answer is A, but I chose C.
I'm having a difficult time understanding why A is the answer and C is wrong.
I mean I thought both could be answers.
Can anyone help me with these types of questions? It is consistently one of these types that is the only LR question I get wrong, and I haven't been able to find a system to ...
I'm really confused between A and D too and can't still understand why A is wrong.
I chose A. The reason why I thought D was wrong is "widely accepted theory" part. The author said it has "gradually" won accepted (Line 20) rather than widely ...
I'm very confused with this specific question, one of the few LR that I have ever blind reviewed and been unable to get correct. It's a weaken question but the correct answer ...
I can't understand why C is the right answer.
I mean if Stilgoe's case would have been stronger if he used these sources then would that it indicate that their view was more negative towards the railroad then the other writers?
Based on this ...
I'd like some help with this MC question. I correctly labeled the main conclusion and narrowed it down to answer choices (B) and (C). However, I couldn't for the life of me ...
This question is beyond sucky. Did anyone else have any problems with determining the right answer for this question? Thanks.
I thought the answer might be D for a very different reason.... the circumstances are specifically described as being about people who don't already own the item, but the ...
I see why B is the best answer, but not 100 pct why it's right. Raphaela doesn't address this point specifically other than her umbrella statement that no government should ...
I chose E which is a right answer because C didn't mention about drug which was a sentence right before the blank, so it makes more sense to me.
But I thought C could be an ...
I've figured out why C) and E) are wrong, but I'm not sure how the other incorrect answers weaken the argument.
Hey 7Sagers! One of our users is having a bit of trouble with this game and I thought you could help me out! Here's the game:
For this game, the instructor said "J" and "O" can't be stacked together because the rule is: "J" comes earlier than "O." If "J" is stacked with "O," with "J" in the a.m. and "O" in the p ...
I've struggled with the newer (70+ ish) LR sections far more than I used to struggle with older tests. I have been pretty close to freaking out as of late because while I used to be ...
I chose A for an answer, but I thought B could be an answer too because the stimulus said city codes classify pigs as livestock~~~ -> she would not be allowed to keep the pig~~~~. ...