There ... enter the answers into the digital tester itself.
< ... practice using the old paper style, you can ... :
... able to use physical scratch paper for making notes? What about ... />
Yes! LSAC will provide scratch paper and a pen for test ... to use during the test. **DigitalLSAT test takers will also be ... />
... opinions about studying for the digitalLSAT using paper PTs?
paper vs. digital prep, I think digital prep is really ... merely comfortable using the digital interface, it has to ... that highlighting in the digital version (both 7Sage's ...
... provided, click on "Take a DigitalLSAT Practice Test Now" and you ... were highlighting the exam in paper. In other words it's ... , both times I took the LSAT, I had a lot of ... />
4. Yes, you get scrap paper.
... thought--I've taken the digitalLSAT and find it cumbersome ... a computer and scratch paper so I'm always ... from the screen to my paper. It's a different ... 'll have plenty of paper to work with on ... digital page. And just in case you're interested, the scrap paper ...
The LSAT is now fully digital even for in person tests ... they have on there. The DigitalLSAT is pretty much the same ... the same way the 7Sage digital PTs are. I suggest you ... test center).
Unfortunately paper tests with full annotation flexibility ...
... complain too much about a digitalLSAT and at home options or ... unscored section on the normal LSAT. Gents, either do 5 ... understand why this switch to digital test needs to be ... option to take the LSAT on pen and paper, like back in ... taken with pen and paper.
If it were to be in-person, would it be on tablets like they had in 2019 when they first introduced the digitalLSAT? Because that was terrible! I would rather take test on computer and/or paper before the tablet again.
... scratch paper for LSAT Writing. In lieu of scratch paper, the LSAT ... Writing interface includes a built-in, digital “Scratch Paper” ... use of physical scratch paper is now considered a ... paper isn't allowed at all instead of just saying LSAT ...
... taking in-person, PAPER FORM LSAT, instead of digital format via law hub ... , the test will be in digital format, whether you're doing ... chance you could get the Paper-and-pencil format as an ... to Request Accommodations on the LSAT
For those of you that are registered... I had to send in a confirmation email to in order to confirm my participation today. Otherwise, according to email, my seat would have been released. Perhaps an oversight on my part from the ...
Just took it 5 hours ago. Comment with questions you want me to cover!
Admin edit: Link removed. Posting links to personal pages is against 7Sage's rules. Please feel free to share your experiences, just keep it to the thread please.
... practice materials for the LSAT with the goal of making ... personalized, online LSAT practice free for all. ... including piloting the first nationwide digitalLSAT exam on May 20, 2017 ... different link that apparently LSAT test takers will be ...
Does anyone know if the LSAC tablet's have writing capability? The low resolution summaries of each paragraph in RC passages helps me tremendously. I have played with the demo in their website but do not see a writing tool.
Hi guys! I'm not able to find the Microsoft service go tablet online or in stores...JY said it's the Microsoft Surface Go tablet 8.3” x 5.5” screen but I'm not able to find the one with those dimensions; all of them are 10 inches. Can anyone share a link ...
I'm starting my LSAT journey in a week after ... best to crack out the LSAT in the 3.5 months ... reference, I took the 2007 LSAT 2 years ago as a ... />
Also, with the new digitalLSAT, is there anything I should ...