... to pursue corporate or patent law. Since Waterloo has the largest ... companies during my time at University, including a patent law firm, financial ... how that translates to US LawSchools and whether the difficulty of ... I was here the second time, but didn't get a ...
... double major be in? What lawschools are you targeting? If HYS ... .8+ But like anything else time you'll spend going through ... and you should be proud. Lawschools will also consider your upward ...
... this is actually a big part of the test. Pretty universal ... it an important part of the actual test itself. Lawschools want people ... the LSAT creates and which law school will certainly take far ...
... study for a long(er) time and do everything you can ... have heard correctly that *most* lawschools only care about your highest ... scores. Generally speaking though, most schools only seem to care about ...