My quick answer is that you are a splitter when one of your LSAT/GPA is below the 25th percentile of the school and the other is above the 75th percentile
... schools that tend to be 'splitter friendly'?**
Historially NU ... best option. UVA shows some splitter love. Barring you revealing your ... far too much research on splitter outcomes (since I'm drowning ...
@Mellow_Z I would take any splitter advice you have. I am sub 3.0 and working to see what lsat score could put me where. I mean I want a 180 of course, but I would like to know the possibilities of a 165 compared to a 170 etc.
Also, just to add, major matters here too. Being a splitter as a humanities major is not the same as being a splitter with a hard science major. Not all GPAs are created equal!