I am a little bit iffy on what to write about for my personal statement. Would that be more of a resume about why you want to go to law school, or tell a story about yourself? Currently, really confused. SOS.
Can I infer some are -P from the statement that most people are P? I think saying most people are mortal does not mean some people are immortal, but the correct AC of this question seems to suggest the otherwise. Is this a bad LR question?
I am hoping to do a dual degree at Boston College to get both a JD and an MSW. I am wondering if in my personal statement if I should mention that I want to do the dual degree and why, or should I just make it about law school?
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However, explanations in other forums state that second doctrine is rightly ... this is inferred from the statement in the stim - "The second ...
I've read online the standard length for law school personal statement is 2-page, size 11-12 font, double-spaced and for diversity statement is 1-page, size 11-12 font, double-spaced.
could anybody let me know if this is accepted practice?
Hello 7sagers! I am having trouble selecting a topic for my personal statement. Does anyone have a good personal statement they would be willing to let me read or just any advice in general? Thanks :)
quick question, will any of yall be putting titles on your personal statement or diversity statement? Debating if I should put a title on mine or not. Or if it even matters tbh
... thinking about writing my personal statement about how learning to manage ... if I write my personal statement about this part of my ... better off writing my personal statement on something else and leaving ...
Hi everyone! I'm in the process of finalizing my personal statement and was wondering if anyone on here would be down to give me their opinions on it. Any help is appreciated :)
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Lots of schools offer public interest scholarships. I would like to ... do public interest work after law school, ... the vague umbrella of public interest. Could someone elaborate on ... how they added more public interest experience to their resume ...