... in particular about longer and tougher stems, more frequent ... frequent formal logic questions, and generally trickier answerchoices?
(2) ... noticed more formal logic, and that the hardest questions ... between early and late tests occur, and how accurate ...
When doing Blind review for logic games, should you do all the questions from scratch or just be able to convince yourself why an answer has to be correct and the other answerchoices have to be wrong?
... go through each question and say our answerchoices. We'll pause to ... question live by proving four answerchoices wrong (usually we try to ... just proving why the correct answer is right, except for ... that person pauses and summarizes the MP and Purpose of that ...
... questions between Q8 and Q23, debating answerchoicesand whether bacteria is ... actually living (P.S.- the answer ... Review sessions on Monday and Tuesday! ([BR Series]( ... duration of your test and even simulate a pesky ...
... s explanation and understand by E is incorrect (the answer I ... ventures are failing" and hunted for answerchoices that could fix that ... the conclusion and premise. So when I read answer D, " ... The current revenue and profitability of ...
would you give me the question number of the ones that you missed and the wrong answerchoices you picked. I make no promises, but I'll try to see what I can do to help you.
Timing will improve if you keep practicing taking tests under timed conditions. Trust me. You will get into a habit of identifying flaws and assumptions quickly, and eliminating the answerchoices just as quickly.
... basically doing a game, and then after doing the problems ... me solve the game faster and easier. There will almost ... you having memorized the right answer. That will give you ... a lot of questions and learning what answerchoices the LSAT writers believe ...
... say and "eventually" can find my way to the correct answer, ... focus or vocabulary, and on the answerchoices I do have difficulty ... making things more/less abstract and ... without messing up test material and find all the other ...
... game type because the inferences and the rules are so often ... />
Lastly, this works for me and a lot of other test ... in the other question and quickly eliminate answerchoices. Also, spend time doing ...
... assumption, inference (MBT and MSS) and reading comprehension answerchoices often use small language ... . Ex: Some, sometimes, not all, and ... none, always, and never.
... the same skills needed to answer later LR questions. You are ... argument structure and validity, identify assumptions and weaknesses and recognize correct answerchoices. These skills ... how the question is structured. And if they are harder for ...
... noticed from the 50's and 70's, there are more ... question appearing from pt 57 and onwards. Usually, there are only ... the emergence of the pattern and circular games on the feb ... the later LSAT's, and more trap answerchoices with the newer lsat ...
... going through each answer choice and eliminating wrong answerchoices (and knowing exactly ... why you're eliminating each answer choice) and ... pick the correct answer because you remember, and move on, ...
... a chance for confusion and then the answerchoices will cash in on ... the form of a trap answer choice. I now work to ... ; I think about the writers and why they chose to present ... they did or why an answer choice was worded a certain ...
... this happen). The correct answer choice will make it ...
Two very common correct answerchoices for weakening questions are either ... able to eliminate wrong answerchoices because it will be ... the premises and the MP, and so many answerchoices will have ...
... for LR questions that include percentagesandnumbers. Drill these to get a ... the flaw that percentages don't necessarily reveal quantity, and quantity does ... this with more convoluted language and present a lot of context ...
Thanks for giving me a heads up about the Cambridge packets for percentagesandnumbers. Just bought it and would have never known about it w/o you telling me so really appreciate it!
... to take the scrutiny higher and aim for a 170+ score ... 've seen this layout and remember the answerchoices..." But that isn't ... repetitive (yes...some are whacky and really unique, but that's ... the layout of any game and to see the inferences.
... very hard to consistently and reliably predict answerchoices (so I've found ... in the lessons, and efficiently analyze each answer choice and why it could ... of what the premise(s) and conclusion(s) of an argument ...
... study for the LSAT and got the answer of 3 months. ... with the Powerscore Bibles and, after seeing the advice ... the correct assumptions and anticipate the answerchoices quickly and accurately. There doesn ... to sit there and take minutes to get an answer. ...
... chain of conditionals and the correct answer will "pull the ... -->SoldSubsidiaries. The correct answer was simply. "the unions ... Correct answer bridges that shift between feeling secure and knowing ... pared down stimulus AND in the answerchoices. A lot of ...
... practice more with timed tests and with the difficult questions. ... such as taking tests and dissecting the answerchoices. My issue was ... are more subtle with the answerchoices on the more difficult ... notice more of the subtleties and see where that leads me ...
... nature of the answerchoices. In LR, the answerchoices themselves are ... this in LR and RC. Wrong answerchoices can often be ... we recognize that the answerchoices themselves do not normally ... skipping even easily eliminated answerchoices is essential to our ...
... for example, at eliminating irrelevant answerchoices.
This is because ... see the flaw plain and clear, irrelevant answerchoices become much easier to ... when you're considering the answerchoices you haven't pinpointed exactly ...