Yes, you should absolutely get the CAS. You'll need it so you don't have to send your transcripts and LOR to every school individually. And the CAS will store your transcripts and LOR for you as well.
@nanchito yupp! that's the one!! I'm absolutely in love with it. I had no idea it was only $2 at Staples, I have a feeling mine is going to last a long time, but if I ever run out then I know what store I'm going to!
I was getting sick last week and I've had really good luck with Airborne Tablets. Here's a link to it: https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/airborne-dual-action-chews-citrus/ID=prod6241750-product
In Canada, it wont be available till mid february :( Anyone know a way or a store that would sell it from the states and be able to get it to Toronto in a maximum of two days?